


Is there a formula to calculate the number of zookeeper servers I need? Say a cluster may have 50, 500, or 5000 servers running, how do I convert those numbers into how many zookeeper server I want to start?


To put it another way, what's a good estimate for the workload a zk server can handle? Is it based on the size of the storage, or QPS the quorum receives, or some other metrics?



The workload an ensemble (cluster) of ZooKeeper servers can handle, is primarily dependent on the number of writes your application performs. It's not dependent on the number of clients to the ZooKeeper ensemble.

集合中的ZooKeeper服务器数量将对写入性能产生影响,而较少的数量(最佳值为3)则更快.但是,您希望拥有3台以上的ZooKeeper服务器,以便能够 roll 您的ZooKeeper服务器而不会造成停机.例如,您可以重新启动一台服务器,并且在5个ZooKeeper集成中仍然可以避免崩溃.

The number of ZooKeeper servers in the ensemble will have an effect on the write performance where having fewer (optimal is 3) is faster. However, you would like to have more than 3 ZooKeeper servers in order to be able to roll your ZooKeeper servers without downtime. As an example you can restart one server and still survive a crash with a 5 ZooKeeper ensemble.

另请参阅吞吐量示例: https://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/ZooKeeper/性能

See also throughput example here: https://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/ZooKeeper/Performance



09-23 18:35