


An immutable object is initialized by its constuctor only, while a singleton is instantiated by a static method. How to make an immutable singleton in Java?



While this is the usual way of doing it, this is by no means the only way.

在Java 1.5中,单例的新版本是枚举单例模式:

In Java 1.5 a new version of Singleton is the enum singleton pattern:

public enum Elvis{

INSTANCE // this is a singleton, no static methods involved



And since enums can have constructors, methods and fields, you can give them all the immutable state you want.

Classloader (thanks @Paŭlo Ebermann for reminding me): in this case use enums or the initialize-through-static-inner-class pattern. This is of course what is usually meant by a singleton.
Be Careful: enums and all other singletons are broken if loaded through multiple Classloaders.

  • Enterprise Application (in this case you need a container-managed singleton, e.g. a Spring singleton bean). This can be several objects per VM or one object per several VMs (or one Object per VM, of course)
  • Thread (use a ThreadLocal)
  • Request / Session (again, you'll need a container to manage this, Spring, Seam and several others can do that for you)
  • did I forget anything?
  • 可以将上述所有内容设置为不可变的,每种方式各不相同(尽管对于容器管理的组件来说通常并不容易)

    All of the above can be made immutable, each in their own way (although it's usually not easy for container-managed components)


    10-28 14:17