


I am trying to analyse a solution with Roslyn, with MSBuildWorkspace.The solution is a new solution, with 2 class library projects in them, one referencing the other.

它们是在Visual Studio 2017.Net 4.6.2中创建的.

They are created in Visual Studio 2017, .Net 4.6.2.

打开解决方案时,我在工作区中收到两个通用错误.诊断都是:处理文件' PathToProject '时,MSBuild失败诊断或输出窗口中没有其他内容,以指示为什么它无法处理项目文件.

When I open the solution, I receive two generic errors in workspace.Diagnostics, both are :Msbuild failed when processing the file 'PathToProject'There is nothing more in the diagnostics or output window, to indicate WHY it failed to process the project file.


namespace RoslynAnalyse
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

        private static void LocalAnalysis()
            var workspace = MSBuildWorkspace.Create();
            var solution = workspace.OpenSolutionAsync(@"D:\Code\Roslyn\RoslynAnalyse\SolutionToAnalyse\SolutionToAnalyse.sln").Result;
            var workspaceDiagnostics = workspace.Diagnostics;



The version of Microsoft.CodeAnalysis is anybody have any idea why MSBuild failed, how I can get more information ?



When MSBuildWorkspace fails to open a project or solution this way, it is almost always because the application using MSBuildWorkspace does not include the same binding redirects that msbuild.exe.config has in it.

MSBuild使用绑定重定向来允许任务(通常使用msbuild API库的不同版本已经编译的C#代码)全部使用当前的msbuild API.否则,msbuild会出现运行时加载失败.

MSBuild uses binding redirects to allow tasks (typically already compiled C# code using possibly different versions of msbuild API libraries) to all use the current msbuild API's. Otherwise, msbuild gets runtime load failures.


The solution is to add an app.config file to your project and copy the binding redirects (the assemblyBinding section of the msbuild.exe.config file) into your file.


10-30 14:55