本文介绍了共享RxJS主题用于Angular 2中的双向数据绑定的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have a singleton service for app settings

class Setting {
  get foo() {
    return storage.get('foo');

  set foo(val)
    storage.set('foo', val);

在组件的视图中绑定为 setting.foo

that is bound in components' views as setting.foo.

因为存储来电可能代价高昂,因为它可能是异步的,我宁愿用RxJS主题替换getter / setter,它可以在需要时更新并读取 storage

Because storage calls may be costly and because it may be asynchronous, I would prefer to replace getter/setter with RxJS subject that could update and read storage whenever needed.


class Setting {

  constructor() {
    this.fooSubject = new ReplaySubject(1);

    fooSubject.subscribe((val) => {
      storage.set('foo', val);

    this.foo$ = this.fooSubject
    .map(() => storage.get('foo'))

并使用它像 setting.foo $ | async setting.fooSubject.next(newFoo)。看起来昂贵的 storage.get 调用现在被缓存。

and using it like setting.foo$ | async and setting.fooSubject.next(newFoo). It looks like costly storage.get calls are cached now.


第一个是 fooSubject subject和 foo $ observable应该是选择一个主题是公开可用的,因为它应该是一个可观察者和一个观察者。

The first one is that both fooSubject subject and foo$ observable should be publicly available to make this work, while a subject was chosen because it is supposed to be both an observable and an observer.

可以 foo $ 被设为设置服务的单个主题属性,因此可以使用订阅订阅(...)并使用更新下一个(...)

Can foo$ be made to be a single Subject property of Setting service, so it could be subscribed with subscribe(...) and updated with next(...)?


The second one is that the code is still synchronous.

如何处理 storage.get 的情况返回承诺的storage.set


获得有副作用的主题非常容易通过扩展 AnonymousSubject (一个 Subject.create(...)工厂的类)。生成的主题获得目的地来源包含原始主题和可观察对象的属性。

It was really easy to get a subject with side effects by extending AnonymousSubject (a class for Subject.create(...) factory). Resulting subject gets destination and source properties that hold original subject and observable.

class FooSharedSubject extends AnonymousSubject {
    constructor() {
        const subject = new BehaviorSubject('');

        const observable = subject.asObservable()
        .mergeMap((value) => promisedStorage.get('foo'))

        super(subject, observable);

    next(value): void {
        promisedStorage.set('foo', value)).then(
            () => this.destination.next(value),
            () => this.destination.error(value)

这篇关于共享RxJS主题用于Angular 2中的双向数据绑定的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-11 02:50