本文介绍了是否支持OSEPP MQ-3传感器?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在检查是否有人对OSEPP MQ-3(酒精气体传感器)有任何经验,并从Rasp Pi 2获取传感器数据。 我把它设置在GPIO上并且没有运气从传感器读取任何数据,我也通过CP2102 uart-ttl桥尝试了
。 这不是一个独立的MQ-3传感器,因为它内置了集成调整和电阻,因此它应该即插即用。 任何有关对此设备进行故障排除的经验或想法都将受到赞赏。

I am checking to see if anyone has had any experience with the OSEPP MQ-3 (Alcohol gas sensor) and getting sensor data from it on a Rasp Pi 2.  I have it set up on the GPIO and have not had any luck reading any data from the sensor and I have tried it also via a CP2102 uart-ttl bridge.  This is not a standalone MQ-3 sensor as it has an integrated adjustment and resistors built in so that it should be plug and play.  Any experience or thoughts on troubleshooting this device would be appreciated.


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09-26 14:48