

我对模式非常陌生,我正在研究Decorator Pattern(装饰器模式)以编写必须编写的程序.

I'm pretty new with patterns and I'm studying Decorator Pattern for a program I have to write.


Studying online, I found an example of a Decorator Pattern (it is Java pseudo-code):

class Solution1
    static interface Component
        void doStuff();

    static class MyComponent implements Component
        public void doStuff()
            // ...

    static class ComponentDecorator implements Component  // This is the Decorator pattern.
        private final Component component;

        public ComponentDecorator(Component component)
            this.component = component;

        public void doStuff()

    static class ComponentDecorator1 extends ComponentDecorator
        public ComponentDecorator1(Component component)

        private void doExtraStuff1()
            // ...

        public void doStuff()

    static class ComponentDecorator2 extends ComponentDecorator
        public ComponentDecorator2(Component component)

        private void doExtraStuff2()
            // ...

        public void doStuff()

    public static void main(String[] args)
        MyComponent         c   = new MyComponent();
        ComponentDecorator1 cd1 = new ComponentDecorator1(c);
        ComponentDecorator2 cd2 = new ComponentDecorator2(cd1);

        cd2.doStuff(); // Executes Component.doStuff, ComponentDecorator1.doExtraStuff1, ComponentDecorator2.doExtraStuff2


When I analyzed the example, I realized that in the past I made a very similar pattern but in different way:

import java.util.*;

class Solution2
    static interface Component
        void doStuff();

    static class MyComponent implements Component
        public void doStuff()
            // ...

    static class ComponentDecorator implements Component  // This is NOT the Decorator pattern!
        private final List<Component> components = new ArrayList<Component>();

        public ComponentDecorator()

        public ComponentDecorator addComponent(Component component)
            return this;

        public void removeComponent(Component component) // Can Decorator do this?
            // ...

        public void doStuff()
            for(Component c : this.components) c.doStuff();

    static class ComponentDecorator1 implements Component
        public ComponentDecorator1()

        private void doExtraStuff1()
            // ...

        public void doStuff()

    static class ComponentDecorator2 implements Component
        public ComponentDecorator2()

        private void doExtraStuff2()
            // ...

        public void doStuff()

    public static void main(String[] args)
        ComponentDecorator cd  = new ComponentDecorator();
        cd.addComponent(new MyComponent());
        cd.addComponent(new ComponentDecorator1());
        cd.addComponent(new ComponentDecorator2());

        cd.doStuff(); // Executes MyComponent.doStuff, ComponentDecorator1.doExtraStuff1, ComponentDecorator2.doExtraStuff2


In my opinion, the second example can be used in same situations where a Decorator Pattern can be used, but it's more flexible (you may, by example, remove or reorder the components in the list), so my questions:

  • 解决方案1(正确的装饰器图案)是否比解决方案2更好?为什么?
  • 是否可以在解决方案1中添加删除实例的功能?
  • 是否可以在解决方案1中添加用于对实例重新排序的功能?



Solution 2 is actually a mix between decorator pattern and composite pattern.

如果您只是想添加行为,我认为解决方案1优于解决方案2,如果还需要将多个对象用作一个对象,则使用解决方案1 ​​+复合模式会更好.

I think that solution 1 is better than solution 2 if what you want is just to add behaviour and using solution 1 + composite pattern is better if you also need to use multiple objects as one.


As a more general answer about using this two patterns seeDifference between the Composite Pattern and Decorator Pattern?



The composite pattern allows you to build a hierarchical structure (such as a tree of elements) in a way that allows your external code to view the entire structure as a single entity. So the interface to a leaf entity is exactly the same as the entity for a compound entity. So the essence is that all elements in your composite structure have the same interface even though some are leaf nodes and others are entire structures. User interfaces often use this approach to allow easy composability.



The decorator pattern allows an entity to completely contain another entity so that using the decorator looks identical to the contained entity. This allows the decorator to modify the behaviour and/or content of whatever it is encapsulating without changing the outward appearance of the entity. For example, you might use a decorator to add logging output on the usage of the contained element without changing any behaviour of the contained element.



09-11 11:22