





I am writing a program that runs two threads (pthreads). The code runs fine on some parts but in some parts the results are like symbols.

Is there an expert on threads or like a community that I can post my issue which are dedicated to multi-threading?

I really need help, thank you in advance.

This is the part of the code that has the problem:

void Encryption()
	int i = 0, j = 0, rc=0;
	ourStruct args[Chunks];
	pthread_t thread[Threads];

	counter = 0;
	for (j = 0; j <= numOfChunks; j++)
		for (i = 0; i < numOfRows; ++i)
			args[j].plainText[i] = InPut[j][i];
			args[j].FinalKey[i] = FinalKey[j][i];
		args[j].index = counter;
	for (j = 0; j <= numOfChunks; j=j+2)
		rc = pthread_create(&thread[0], NULL, Method_Encryption, &args[j]);
		rc = pthread_create(&thread[1], NULL, Method_Encryption, &args[j+1]);
		rc = pthread_join(thread[0], NULL);
		rc = pthread_join(thread[1], NULL);
	//writing the output to a file

The method is:
void * Method_Encryption(void *arguments){
StructInside *args = (StructInside *)arguments;
	//setting the received arguments into plaintext and key
	for (i = 0; i < numOfRows; ++i)
		plainText[i] = args->plainText[i];
		FinalKey[i] = args->FinalKey[i];
//store results
	for (i = 0; i < numOfRows; ++i)
		OutPut[args->index][i] = plainText[i];


numOfChunks ==我正在从文件中读取的块数。例如:如果文件大小为100个字符,每个块大小为5个字符,则:

numOfChunks = 100/5


The output is filled inside an array of output inside the method. The array is indexed by the order.
numOfChunks ==the number of chunks I'm reading from the file. For example: if the file is of size 100 characters, and each chunk will be of size 5 characters, then:
We also tried using mutex inside the struct and initialize the mutex and lock it inside the method and afterwards unlocking and destroying the mutex but it didn’t work, or maybe we didn’t implement it correctly.


for (j = 0; j <= numOfChunks; j++) { /* ... */ }


Should be:

for (j = 0; j < numOfChunks; j++) { /* ... */ }

这是因为索引 j 等于 numOfChunks ,您要通过数组 args 分配的内存进行寻址。


This is because in index j equals to numOfChunks, you are addressing past the memory allocated by the array args.



08-13 01:46