

Hello Guys,



1.出口调查问卷 - 出口问卷功能

2.出口初始出价 - 出口初始出价功能


Hello Guys,

Recently I came across a scenario where Single responsibility and Open close principle get violated in my c# code. below is the scenario :

I am having two classes :

1. Export Questionnaire - export questionnaire functionality
2. Export Initial Bid - export initial bid functionality

1. Export First

  internal class ExportQuestionnaire
// startrow, startcolumn and end column is position where exporting will start on a given template.
        public int startRowPosition { get; set; }
        public int startColumnPosition { get; set; }
        public int endColumnPosition { get; set; }

        public List<int> unSupportedQuestion { get; set; }

// Constructor will initialize hard coded values for the class
        public ExportQuestionnaire(int _startRowPosition, int _startColumnPosition, int _endColumnPosition)
            startRowPosition = _startRowPosition;
            startColumnPosition = _startColumnPosition;
            endColumnPosition = _endColumnPosition;
            unSupportedQuestion = new List<int>() { 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 15, 16 };
// ProcessRow - function will process row by row exporting for a worksheet - aspose
        public DataRow ProcessRow(DataRow drif, Question question, int countQuestion, long eventCode)
// GenerateSecureCode_Q - will generate secure code for exported sheet. first column of each sheet will have some secure code which will be hidden from end user.

        public string GenerateSecureCode_Q(Question question)
            // will call GenerateSecureCode internally.

        public string GenerateSecureCode(List<FirstRowChoice> lstQuestionchoice)

        public int GetFirstIdFromSheetColumn(string questionString)
// ProcessDocument - will process each worksheet in a workbook [Aspose]
        public void ProcessDocument(Workbook templateWorkbook, ExcelHelper excelHelper, DataTable dt, SecureString _ExcelProtection)

        public void ApplyStyle(Worksheet worksheet, int count)




2. Export Second

internal class ExportInitialBid
     public int startRowPosition { get; set; }
     public int startColumnPosition { get; set; }
     public int endColumnPosition { get; set; }

     public ExportInitialBid(int _startRowPosition, int _startColumnPosition, int _endColumnPosition)
         startRowPosition = _startRowPosition;
         startColumnPosition = _startColumnPosition;
         endColumnPosition = _endColumnPosition;

     public DataRow ProcessRow(DataRow drif, Second lib, List<Second> SecondList)


     public void ProcessDocument(Workbook templateWorkbook, ExcelHelper excelHelper, DataTable dt, int Resolution, SecureString _ExcelProtection)


     private void ApplyStyle(Worksheet worksheet, int rowCount, int columnCount)


     private void ApplyDecimalStyle(Worksheet worksheet, int Count, int columnCount, int Resolution)









Now, I am trying to DRY it and creating separate classes for ApplyStyle, ApplyDecimalStyle, ProcessRow, ProcessDocument keeping one base abstract class for each of these.
in future if i need to require one more ExportSomething, I will create one new pair of ApplyStyle, ApplyDecimalStyle, ProcessRowand ProcessDocument , extending abstract class of past.

But in this way huge no. of classes get created. while previously only two classes i had.

Is this correct approach to separate each and everything in different classes in c# ?

you can ignore answering, if this long question is annoying. but if you do, i will learn something new.


[UPDATE 1] : Rename classes and provided comments.


// Note : no need to modify existing code, only available for extension.
// right now implemented for questionnaire/ intial bid export.

// Interface for exported sheet start Row and column hard values
interface IRowColumnStart
    int startRowPos { get; set; }
    int startColPos { get; set; }
    int endColPos { get; set; }

interface unSupportedQ
    List<int> unSupportedQ { get; set; }

// IRowColumnStart extended class for initial bid export
public class startRowsColumn : IRowColumnStart
    public int startRowPos { get; set; }
    public int startColPos { get; set; }
    public int endColPos { get; set; }

    public startRowsColumn(int _startRowPos, int _startColPos, int _endColPos)
        startRowPos = _startRowPos;
        startColPos = _startColPos;
        endColPos = _endColPos;

// IRowColumnStart extended class for questionnaire export
public class startRowColumnQ : IRowColumnStart, unSupportedQ
    public int startRowPos { get; set; }
    public int startColPos { get; set; }
    public int endColPos { get; set; }
    public List<int> unSupportedQ { get; set; }

    public startRowColumnQ(int _startRowPos, int _startColPos, int _endColPos, List<int> _unSupportedQ)
        startRowPos = _startRowPos;
        startColPos = _startColPos;
        endColPos = _endColPos;
        unSupportedQ = _unSupportedQ;

// Note : no need to modify existing code, only available for extension.

// Main Interface for processing export request
interface IProcessExport<t,>
    DataRow ProRow(T param);
    void ProWsheet(T1 param);

// IProcessExport<t,> extended class for questionnaire export
internal class ProcessExportQ : IProcessExport<rowqparam,>
    private IProcessRow<rowqparam> IProcessRow;
    private IProcessWorksheet<worksheetqparam,> IProcessDoc;

    public ProcessExportQ(IProcessRow<rowqparam> i, IProcessWorksheet<worksheetqparam,> j)
        IProcessRow = i;
        IProcessDoc = j;

    public DataRow ProRow(RowQParam qParam)
        return IProcessRow.ProRow(qParam);

    public void ProWsheet(WorksheetQParam qParam)

// IProcessExport<t,> extended class for initial bid export
internal class ProcessExportIBid : IProcessExport<rowibidparam,>
    private startRowsColumn objRow;
    private IProcessRow<rowibidparam> IProcessRow;
    private IProcessWorksheet<worksheetibidparam,> IProcessDoc;

    public ProcessExportIBid(IProcessRow<rowibidparam> i, IProcessWorksheet<worksheetibidparam,> j)
        IProcessRow = i;
        IProcessDoc = j;

    public DataRow ProRow(RowIBidParam iBParam)
        return IProcessRow.ProRow(iBParam);

    public void ProWsheet(WorksheetIBidParam iBParam)


10-29 11:13