


I have a large array in C that I wish to move into my ada project. That array is used to store filenames for assets which will later be loaded. It looks something like:

const char *filenames[NUMBER_OF_FILES] = {
    /* file[0] */ "res/0.file",
    /* ... */
    /* file[n] */ "res/some_more/complicated/file.name"


I want to move this into an ada package body, but can't find a decent way to do it. Obviously my first attempt was:

filenames : constant array (File_Index) of String := (
    index_0 => "res/0.file",
    --  ...
    index_n => "res/some_more/complicated/file.name"

但是String当然是不受限制的类型,所以Ada不允许这样做。我将其切换为使用Unbounded_Strings,该方法有效,但非常难看(必须使用 To_Unbounded_String 包装每个字符串。

But of course String is an unconstrained type, so Ada won't allow that. I switched it to use Unbounded_Strings, which worked, but was very ugly (having to wrap each string with To_Unbounded_String.


Is there any way to make an array of unconstrained types whose size will be known at compile time like this, or do I have to use unbounded strings?



It’s a bit low-level and repetitive, but perhaps you can create a little program (maybe even in Ada!) to generate something like

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Lambdabeta is
   F1 : aliased constant String := "res/0.file";
   F2 : aliased constant String := "res/some_more/complicated/file.name";
   type Strings is array (Positive range <>) of access constant String;
   Filenames : constant Strings := (F1'Access,
   for J in Filenames'Range loop
      Put_Line (Filenames (J).all);
   end loop;
end Lambdabeta;

另请参见关于最大程度地减少使用 To_Unbounded_String 的痛苦。

See also this answer on minimising the pain of using To_Unbounded_String.


07-31 02:46