


Our school is trying to move all coursework online. We have eight teachers adding content to one class, mostly manually rather than with a script. I have a javascript script that creates Coursework based on rows of a spreadsheet. If possible, I would like to have the topic as a string in each row of the spreadsheet of Coursework data, e.g. "Math Week 1", use Classroom.Courses.Topics.get to get the topic, then write the topicId from the topic into CourseWork.

我在StackOverflow上找到了创建主题的代码.我尝试了Classroom.Courses.Topics.get的许多变体,但始终会收到未找到请求的实体"的错误. (第14行,文件"createTopics")这是我尝试过的一些方法:我之前创建了"fakeTopic3:使用Classroom.Courses.Topics.create

I found code on StackOverflow to create a topic. I've tried many variations of Classroom.Courses.Topics.get but always get the error Requested entity was not found. (line 14, file "createTopics")Here are some of the methods I've tried:I previously created "fakeTopic3: using Classroom.Courses.Topics.create

   var topicName = "fakeTopic3";
   var getTopic2= Classroom.Courses.Topics.get(courseId,{name:topicName} )
   var getTopic= Classroom.Courses.Topics.get(courseId,topicName )
   var getTopic = Classroom.Courses.Topics.get({name:topicName},courseId );
   var getTopic = Classroom.Courses.Topics.get(topicName,courseId );



您需要使用courses.topics.list 与课程ID一起获取主题ID的列表,然后使用主题ID代替courses.topics.get 调用.


因此,您只需提供 course IDtopic ID.

So you need to supply only the course ID and the topic ID.

var coursesList = Classroom.Courses.list();
var topicName = "your topic's name";
var courseId = "your course's ID";
for (var i = 0; i < coursesList.courses.length; i++) {
  if (coursesList.courses[i].name == topicName) {
    var topicId = coursesList.courses[i].id;

var getTopic = Classroom.Courses.Topics.get(courseId. topicId);    


  1. 方法:courses.topics.list
  2. 方法:courses.topics.get


10-20 17:19