


Relating to Can I make the default AppDomain use shadow copies of certain assemblies?, it describes a working solution to activate shadow copying within the default AppDomain for a specific directory.


Basically it says to use these simple methods:



But because the methods used here are marked as obsolete I was wondering what is now the correct way to accomplish the same. The warning message hints to:


一个AppDomain有这种类型的所谓的成员 SetupInformation 这可能会为你带来这种简单的实现

An AppDomain has a member of this type called SetupInformation which might bring you to this straightforward implementation

AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ShadowCopyDirectories = aDirectory;
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ShadowCopyFiles = "true";


Unfortunately this has no effect.So the question is, is there a way to alter the AppDomainSetup of the current appdomain to activate shadow copying ?


据我所知,这些方法只能在.NET Framework 1.1版。对于所有以后的版本,你不能启用主AppDomain的阴影复制。您需要创建一个新的的AppDomain 并设置它恰如其分。一个简单的方法是创建一个加载应用程序,简单地说:

As far as I know these methods only work on .NET Framework version 1.1. For all later versions you cannot enable shadow-copying on the main AppDomain. You need to create a new AppDomain and set-it up appropriately. A simple approach is to create a loader application that simply:

  • 创建一个新的AppDomain与影复制启用。对于这一点,你将不得不使用的AppDomain.CreateDomain这需要一个 AppDomainSetup 的参数。
  • 执行主应用程序使用AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly方法
  • Creates a new AppDomain with shadow-copy enabled. For this you will have to use one of the overloads of AppDomain.CreateDomain that take an AppDomainSetup parameter.
  • Executes your main application using the AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly method.

有一个良好的起点,可以在应用程序影复制找到 $ C $的CProject文章。以下的程序是取自文章有轻微的变形(未指定的高速缓存路径:

A good starting point can be found in the Shadow Copying of Applications CodeProject article. The following program is taken from the article with a slight modification (the cache path is not specified:

using System;
using System.IO;

namespace Loader
    static class Program
        static void Main()
            /* Enable shadow copying */

            // Get the startup path. Both assemblies (Loader and
            // MyApplication) reside in the same directory:
            string startupPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(

            string configFile = Path.Combine(
            string assembly = Path.Combine(

            // Create the setup for the new domain:
            AppDomainSetup setup = new AppDomainSetup();
            setup.ApplicationName = "MyApplication";
            setup.ShadowCopyFiles = "true"; // note: it isn't a bool
            setup.ConfigurationFile = configFile;

            // Create the application domain. The evidence of this
            // running assembly is used for the new domain:
            AppDomain domain = AppDomain.CreateDomain(

            // Start MyApplication by executing the assembly:

            // After the MyApplication has finished clean up:


  • 替换 MyApplication.exe 与你的可执行程序集的名称。
  • 替换所有MyApplication 与apllication的名称。
  • 替换 MyApplication.exe.config 与您的应用程序的配置文件的名称。如果你没有一个那么你就需要设置这个。
  • Replace MyApplication.exe with the name of your executable assembly.
  • Replace MyApplication with the name of apllication.
  • Replace MyApplication.exe.config with the name of you application's configuration file. If you do not have one then you do not need to set this.


10-17 01:35