本文介绍了appDomain 如何提供隔离的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在我的窗口窗体应用程序中,我创建了一个 Appdomain,比如 SandBox.在这个沙箱中,我从 TestAppdomain 类中执行了一些代码 Say TestMethod.此类位于 Test.dll 中,当前应用域(默认应用域)中未加载该类.

In my window forms application, I create a Appdomain say sandBox. In this sandbox i excute some code Say TestMethod from TestAppdomain Class. This class is in Test.dll which is not loaded in the current appdomain (Default appdomain).

现在在执行 TestMethod 时发生了一些异常,然后我希望卸载沙盒域,并且由于 AppDOmain 提供隔离,我的默认 Appdomain 不应该受到影响.

Now while executing TestMethod some exception occurs, then I want the sandbox domain to be unloaded and since AppDOmain provide Isolotion my Default Appdomain shoud not be affected.


But As i read over the internet i guess this is not possible.But could some one give me some pointer on how to achive it.




是的,这当然是可能的,实际上这就是 AppDomains 的全部目的.一个快速的谷歌搜索找到了一个很好的资源:

Yes this is certainly possible, and in fact it is the entire purpose of AppDomains. A quick Google search turns up a good resource:


以上链接已损坏,此链接提供了AppDomain 共享的概述.

Above link is broken, this one provides an overview of AppDomain sharing.


您可能还想了解托管加载项框架 (MAF):

You may also want to look into the Managed Add-In Framework (MAF):

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10-17 01:35