

我正在尝试解决一个算法问题,其中前提围绕由 0 和 1 以及输出子序列的最小长度 l 组成的输入序列.该问题要求具有最高 1s 率的子序列(子序列中 1 的数量除以子序列的长度).可以在此处找到问题的更多背景和示例输入/输出.

I'm trying to solve an algorithmic problem where the premises revolves around an input sequence that consists of 0s and 1s along with a minimum length l for the output subsequence. The problem asks for the subsequence which has the highest rate of 1s (number of ones in the subsequence divided by the length of the subsequence). Further background and sample input/output to the problem can be found here.


I have come up with a solution that passes all tests except for the last one and I am trying to figure out what my current implementation is lacking. My approach is to use a dynamically resizeable sliding window while storing the maximum rate of the sliding window along with the length of that maximum rated window. I think the way that I'm moving (growing and shrinking) my window is the problem, but I'm having trouble figuring out what to change.


This is how I move my window:

static void max_rate(long min_len, string sequence) {
  long left_window = 0, right_window = min_len - 1;

  long best_left = 0, best_len = 0, most_ones = 0;
  long double best_success_rate = -1;
  for (;;) {
    auto tmp = sequence.substr(left, right - left + 1);

    long n_ones = count_ones(tmp);
    long double success_rate = (long double)n_ones / (long double)tmp.length();

    if (success_rate >= best_success_rate) {
      best_success_rate = success_rate;
      best_left = left;
      best_len = right - left + 1;
      most_ones = n_ones;

  // Window sliding starts here
  bool can_move_right = (right + 1) < (long)sequence.length();
  bool can_move_left = (right - left + 1 - 1) >= min_len;

    if (can_move_right && sequence.at(right + 1) == '1') {
    } else if (can_move_right && sequence.at(right + 1) == '1') {
    } else if (can_move_left && (sequence.at(left + 1) == '0')) {
    } else if (can_move_right) {
    } else {

  cout << best_left + 1 << " ";
  cout << best_len << endl;


  1. 如果可以提高比率,请扩大窗口
  2. 否则,如果可能(考虑到我们的最小尺寸要求),如果可以提高速率,请缩小窗口
  3. 否则,如果可能的话 (-),缩小窗口
  4. 否则,如果可能(我们不在序列的末尾)扩大窗口


I must be missing something here I think



According to the code you posted, for input

8, "0011101011"


0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1
l             r
l               r
l                 r
  l               r


zero-based index 1, interval length 9
and ratio 6 / 9 = 0.6666666666666666


ratio 0.75
zero-based index 2, interval length 8


08-20 10:20