


What is a Synthetic Class in Java? Why should it be used? and How can I use it?


例如,当你有一个switch语句时,java创建一个变量, $。如果你想看到一个例子,窥探一个类中有一个switch语句的java反射。当类中至少有一个switch语句时,您将看到这些变量。

For example, When you have a switch statement, java creates a variable that starts with a $. If you want to see an example of this, peek into the java reflection of a class that has a switch statement in it. You will see these variables when you have at least one switch statement anywhere in the class.


To answer your question, I don't believe you are able to access(other than reflection) the synthetic classes.


If you are analyzing a class that you don't know anything about (via reflection) and need to know very specific and low-level things about that class, you may end up using Java reflection methods that have to do with synthetic classes. The only "use" here is get more information about the class in order to use it appropriately in your code.


(If you're doing this, you're probably building a framework of some sorts that other developers could use. )


Otherwise, if you are not using reflection, there are no practical uses of synthetic classes that I know of.


09-05 13:35