


I am a software development guy. Lately I was thinking of trying out some firmware development, as the company I work for is trying to enter that domain.I have many questions regarding firmware devlopment - like:

  1. 使用了哪些工具-如IDE?
  2. 大多数代码是用哪种语言编写的?
  3. 如何将代码移植到微控制器中?
  4. 如何为不同的微控制器编写代码?
  5. 如何确定构建特定应用程序所需的内容(选择微控制器等)?


Anything else I should know about and where do I start? Sorry if this question is too basic, but I could not find out any satisfactory answers elsewhere.



Most microcontrollers have decent C compilers so are best coded for in C, although you might need to delve into assembly routines for occassional high performance routines. The choice of microcontroller is usually determined by the hardware demands, on board peripherals, performance and cost constraints.You wouldn't generally be porting code from a Windows/Linux/Mac environment to a microcontroller one; you would generally be writing directly for the microcontroller, so strictly the compiler is a cross compiler - compiling on your PC to run on a different processor. You typically get debuggers, emulators and full editor capabilities in the IDE, so its a similar experience to writing code in a PC environment, but it runs slower, and has to be downloaded to the target hardware or emulated to be tested.

开始阅读有关嵌入式开发的权威是 Jack Gansle 和他的固件手册.对于一般文章,也 www.embedded.com .

A great authority to start reading about embedded development is Jack Gansle and his firmware handbook. Also www.embedded.com for general articles.


08-20 02:08