

Android中的是策略模式的示例吗?在另一个Stackoverflow 中,接受的答案表示它是观察者模式。


 公共接口OnClickListener { 
void onClick(View view);

公共类Button扩展了View {
void clicked(){
if(listener!= null){
public void setOnClickListener(OnClickListener listener){
this.listener = listener;


  1. 在这里我们看到 Button 类没有侦听器列表(观察者),但只能有一个听众。

  2. 它一次将一部分方法委派给其实例成员:侦听器。

  3. OnClickListener 类似于策略,其中用户代码实现了单击按钮后将被调用的策略(方法)。

  4. OnClickListener 可以在运行时传递给 Button 对象,并且可以在运行时更改行为。 (单击相同的按钮可能会显示带有 OnClickListener 的一种实现的弹出窗口,并且如果 OnClickListener 被传递。)




在语义上,侦听器不是一种算法;即,响应事件与执行计算的目的不同。此目的在语法上体现了 onClick()方法为 void 的位置,因此其行为更像侦听器。


Is OnClickListener in android an example of Strategy pattern ? In another Stackoverflow question accepted answer says it is Observer Pattern.

Similar Code to understand the question.

public interface OnClickListener{
    void onClick(View view);

public class Button extends View{
    private OnClickListener listener;
    void clicked(){
        //some code
        if(listener != null){
        //some other code
    public void setOnClickListener(OnClickListener listener){
        this.listener = listener;

My reasoning to believe its strategy pattern and not observer pattern :

  1. Here we see Button class does not has a list of listeners(Observers) but can have only one listener.
  2. It delegates a part of method to its instance member : listener at a time.
  3. OnClickListener is similar to a strategy where user code implements an strategy (method) to be invoked once button is clicked.
  4. Different implementations of OnClickListener can be passed to Button object during run time and behavior can be changed during run time. (Same button upon clicked may show a pop up with one implementation of OnClickListener and may send a request to server if another implementation of OnClickListener is passed.)

Here is the intent of the Observer Pattern from page 293.

Strictly speaking, the code example is not an Observer then, because the one-to-many relationship is rather one-to-one. However, I would not call this a Strategy either, per its intent from page 315.

Semantically, a listener is not an algorithm; i.e. responding to an event is a different purpose from performing a calculation. This purpose manifests syntactically where the onClick() method is void and therefore behaves more like a listener.

For that reason, I would call the code example a degenerate form of the Observer Pattern. It looks to me like an Observer attempt that didn't quite meet the qualifications. I wouldn't dignify the attempt by associating it with another pattern.


09-23 00:17