


I've implemented a simple CNN program with Python that can machine learn on the MNIST data set. I've implemented 3 layers:

  1. ConvPoolLayer,它会卷积然后表示合并
  2. FullyConnectedLayer,这是一个完全连接的隐藏层
  3. SoftmaxLayer,基本上可以提供网络的softmax输出


It's in the ConvPoolLayer that I've implemented mean pooling. Here's the line of code that does mean pooling during forward propagation:

# 'activation' is a numpy array of 3D activations from the convolutional code (not shown here)
skimage.measure.block_reduce(activation, block_size=(1, 1, 2, 2), func=np.mean)


And here's the equivalent back-propagation code:

# delta is a numpy array of 3D error matrices back-propagated from the upper layers
delta = delta.repeat(2, axis=2).repeat(2, axis=3)


All it's doing is just upscaling the error.


My question is, how do I implement the backpropagation for max pooling without loss in performance? Or, is there a better way to do this without a function call? I get around ~90-95% accuracy after a few iterations with mean pooling, so I'd like to see how max pooling affects performance.


If there are any NumPy tricks that can be applied here, I would be glad to learn them. I want to understand myself what happens in a CNN, why things work the way they do, and whether operations can be optimised, so using frameworks isn't an option for me.



  1. [已更新]对于最大池使用正向传播:

  1. [updated] For forward propagation for max pooling use :

skimage.measure.block_reduce(activation, block_size=(1, 1, 2, 2), func=np.max)

您对平均池的反向传播并不完全正确.您应根据合并单元的数量(在您的情况下为4)来指定增量.请参见幻灯片11上的等式,位于 http://www.slideshare.net/kuwajima/cnnbp

Your backpropagation for mean pooling is not fully correct. You should devide delta by number of pooled cells (4 in your case). See equation on slide 11 at http://www.slideshare.net/kuwajima/cnnbp

要传播最大池,您只需将增量分配给正向传递中具有最高值的像元即可.因此,在池化层的前向传递过程中,通常跟踪最大激活的索引(有时也称为交换器),以便在反向传播期间有效地进行梯度路由.参见 http://cs231n.github.io/convolutional-networks/#pool

To propagate max pooling you need to assign delta only to cell with highest value in forward pass. Hence, during the forward pass of a pooling layer it is common to keep track of the index of the max activation (sometimes also called the switches) so that gradient routing is efficient during backpropagation. See http://cs231n.github.io/convolutional-networks/#pool


Very inefficient way to implement this:

activationPrevious = np.copy(activation)
skimage.measure.block_reduce(activation, block_size=(1, 1, 2, 2), func=np.max)
maxs = activations.repeat(2, axis=2).repeat(2, axis=3)
mask = np.equal(activationPrevious, maxs).astype(int)

delta = delta.repeat(2, axis=2).repeat(2, axis=3)
delta = np.multiply(delta, mask)


07-12 02:43