


Can some experts give some succinct answers to the differences between Presto and Impala from these perspectives?

  1. 基本建筑设计
  2. SQL遵从性
  3. 真实世界的延迟时间
  4. 任何SPOF或容错功能
  5. 结构化和非结构化数据使用场景的性能


Apache Impala是仅适用于HDFS/Hive系统的查询引擎.

Apache Impala is a query engine for HDFS/Hive systems only.

Presto 是一种通用查询引擎,它仅将HDFS作为众多选择之一.有很长的连接器列表,Hive/HDFS支持只是其中之一.这也意味着您可以同时查询同一系统中的不同数据源.

Presto on the other hand is a generic query engine, which support HDFS as just one of many choices. There is a long list of connectors available, Hive/HDFS support is just one of them. This also means that you can query different data source in the same system, at the same time.


09-11 08:18