

我在Powershell中使用.Net类 System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient 发送带有一些附加文档的邮件.在我们的测试环境中,这一切都很好,但是在生产中却失败了.




  $ SmtpClient =新对象System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient"mail.mailserver.com",25$ Mail =新对象System.Net.Mail.MailMessage#用于创建NetworkCredential对象的自定义(工作)Cmdlet$ SmtpClient.Credentials =(GetCredential-FromFile)$ Mail.Subject =新导入"$ Mail.Body ="$ Mail.From ="myaddress@mailserver.com"$ Mail.To.Add("myaddress@mailserver.com")$ Mail.Attachments.Add(新对象System.Net.Mail.Attachment"file.txt")$ SmtpClient.Send($ Mail) 



.NET Framework实现中的错误(或缺少功能,取决于您的查看方式).默认情况下,HELO命令中使用主机的NetBIOS名称,并且 SmtpClient 类没有用于在程序/脚本中配置HELO主机名的属性.请参阅这里详细讨论该问题.您需要在客户端上创建/更改配置文件以覆盖默认设置.

powershell.exe 所在的目录中编辑文件 powershell.exe.config .如果文件不存在,则创建它.确保它至少包含以下几行:

 <?xml version ="1.0" encoding ="utf-8"吗?<配置>< system.net>< mailSettings>< smtp deliveryMethod ="network">< network clientDomain ="mail.example.com"/></smtp></mailSettings></system.net></configuration> 

用客户的FQDN替换 mail.example.com .

对于.NET Framework 2.0,您首先需要应用补丁(或升级到.NET Framework 4.0或更高版本),然后才能配置 clientDomain 属性.



I am using the .Net class System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient in Powershell to send a mail with some attached documents. It all works great in our test environment, but fails in production.

The problem is, that a fully specified domain name is required in production to send the mails. However the SmtpClient does not allow me to specify this, as far as I know. I've read online, that you can use web.config settings with asp.net to specify the domain name, but I don't seem to be able to use it with Powershell.

Is there a way around this or do I have to implement it in another language?

Edit: This is the code I'm using

$SmtpClient = New-Object System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient "mail.mailserver.com", 25
$Mail = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage

# Custom (working) Cmdlet for creating a NetworkCredential object
$SmtpClient.Credentials = (GetCredential-FromFile)

$Mail.Subject = "New Import"
$Mail.Body = ""
$Mail.From = "myaddress@mailserver.com"
$Mail.Attachments.Add(New-Object System.Net.Mail.Attachment "file.txt")


The SMTP-Server is set, but I need to set the FQDN of the client (the machine using the script).


This is a bug (or missing feature, depending on how you want to look at it) in the .NET Framework implementation. By default the NetBIOS name of the host is used in the HELO command, and the SmtpClient class doesn't have a property for configuring the HELO hostname in the program/script. See here for a detailed discussion of the problem. You need to create/change a configuration file on the client to override the default.

Edit the file powershell.exe.config in the same directory where powershell.exe is located. Create the file if it doesn't exist. Make sure it contains at least the following lines:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
      <smtp deliveryMethod="network">
        <network clientDomain="mail.example.com" />

Replace mail.example.com with your client's FQDN.

For .NET Framework 2.0 you first need to apply a patch (or upgrade to .NET Framework 4.0 or newer) before you can configure the clientDomain attribute.

For more information on SMTP client network settings see here.

Had you posted your code and error message right from the start we would've been able to provide this answer much earlier.


08-23 17:37