本文介绍了智能合约不会部署到 goQuorum 区块链的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在 IBFT 上安装了带有 quorum-wizard 的 goQuorum,有 4 个仲裁节点和 4 个 tessera 节点.当我用./start.sh"启动网络时我得到

I installed goQuorum with quorum-wizard with 4 quorum nodes and 4 tessera nodes on IBFT. When I start the network with "./start.sh" I get

Starting Quorum network...

Waiting until all Tessera nodes are running...
Waiting until all Tessera nodes are running...
All Tessera nodes started
Starting Quorum nodes
Successfully started Quorum network.

Tessera Node 1 public key:

Tessera Node 2 public key:

Tessera Node 3 public key:

Tessera Node 4 public key:


当我运行nmap -p 21000-21100"时我得到

when I run "nmap -p 21000-21100" I get

21000/tcp 打开 irtrans21001/tcp 打开未知21002/tcp 打开未知21003/tcp 打开未知

21000/tcp open irtrans21001/tcp open unknown21002/tcp open unknown21003/tcp open unknown

这是我的 truffle-config.js

This is my truffle-config.js

const HDWalletProvider = require("@truffle/hdwallet-provider");
const mnemonic = "not my real mn mon ic num phrase dum get l gg";

module.exports = {
  networks: {
rinkeby: {
    provider: function() {
      return new HDWalletProvider(mnemonic, "https://rinkeby.infura.io/v3/"+mnemonic);
    network_id: '*',
    timeoutBlocks: 100000,
  quorum: {
    provider: function() {
      return new HDWalletProvider(mnemonic, "", chainId=10);
    network_id: '*',
    type: 'quorum',
    timeoutBlocks: 100000,
  compilers: {
    solc: {
      version: "0.5.0",
      settings: {
        optimizer: {
          enabled: true, // Default: false
          runs: 1000     // Default: 200
        evmVersion: "homestead"  // Default: "byzantium"

当我使用 truffle-config.js 进入目录并运行 truffle deploy --reset --network quorum 来编译我的智能合约时,我收到以下错误.

When I cd in to the directory with the truffle-config.js and I run truffle deploy --reset --network quorum to compile my smart contracts I get the following error.

Compiling your contracts...
> Everything is up to date, there is nothing to compile.

        return new Error(message);
Error: PollingBlockTracker - encountered an error while attempting to update latest block:
Error: Invalid JSON RPC response: ""
    at Object.InvalidResponse (/root/dapp1/Dapp/node_modules/web3-core-helpers/src/errors.js:42:16)
    at XMLHttpRequest.request.onreadystatechange (/root/dapp1/Dapp/node_modules/web3-providers-http/src/index.js:92:32)
    at XMLHttpRequestEventTarget.dispatchEvent (/root/dapp1/Dapp/node_modules/xhr2-cookies/xml-http-request-event-target.ts:44:13)
    at XMLHttpRequest._setReadyState (/root/dapp1/Dapp/node_modules/xhr2-cookies/xml-http-request.ts:219:8)
    at XMLHttpRequest._onHttpRequestError (/root/dapp1/Dapp/node_modules/xhr2-cookies/xml-http-request.ts:379:8)
    at ClientRequest.<anonymous> (/root/dapp1/Dapp/node_modules/xhr2-cookies/xml-http-request.ts:266:37)
    at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:315:20)
    at Socket.socketOnEnd (_http_client.js:493:9)
    at Socket.emit (events.js:327:22)
    at endReadableNT (internal/streams/readable.js:1327:12)
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:80:21)
    at PollingBlockTracker._performSync (/root/dapp1/Dapp/node_modules/eth-block-tracker/src/polling.js:51:24)
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)

我可以在此环境中将智能合约部署到 rinkeby 测试网,但我无法将智能合约部署到法定人数

I can deploy the smart contractsto rinkeby test net within this environment but I can't get smart contracts to deploy to quorum


节点 v14.16.1

Node v14.16.1

Ubuntu 18.04(64 位)

Ubuntu 18.04 (64 Bit)

法定人数 21.1.0

Quorum 21.1.0

Web3.js v1.3.5

Web3.js v1.3.5

Truffle v5.3.4(核心:5.3.4)

Truffle v5.3.4 (core: 5.3.4)

solidity v0.5.0

solidity v0.5.0



Did you change from the default ports in the quorum-wizard?

节点 1 RPC 的默认值为 22000,21000 范围用于 p2p 网络.

The default for the node 1 RPC is 22000, the 21000 range is for p2p networking.

我会根据上面 Satpal 的回答设置主机和端口,如 hdwallet 文档此处.

I would set the host and port per Satpal's answer above, as in the hdwallet documentation here.

这篇关于智能合约不会部署到 goQuorum 区块链的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

06-16 12:15