


I am writing my question again because earlier it made little sense and I wasn't very clear.


I am receiving data from API that looks something like this:


所以,在我的代码中,我有一张的照片变量,以及一个名为 getPhotos()的方法

So, in my code, I have a photos variable, and a method called getPhotos()

我正在使用无限滚动,所以当我到达页面底部时,我再次拨打 getPhotos()

I am using infinite scroll so when I reach the bottom of the page, I call getPhotos() again.

photos: any;

getPhotos() {
      photos => this.photos = photos
      // here, instead of doing this, I want to add the array of photos I get back to this.photos using Object.assign however it is giving me the said error

因此,如果我下次打电话,我会回来 {photos:[{id :2,title:photo_2_title}]} ,然后我试图将 this.photos 设为

So if the next time I call it, I get back {"photos":[{"id":2,"title":"photo_2_title"}]}, then I am trying to set this.photos to be

{"photos":[{"id":1,"title":"photo_1_title"}, {"id":2,"title":"photo_2_title"}]}



can someone help me with why
jsfiddle.net/ca46hLw9 doesn't work? I thought assign is supposed to merge contents of an object together right?


Object.assign 是一个ECMAScript2015功能,不存在于ECMAScript5及更低版本。

Object.assign is an ECMAScript2015 feature and does not exist in ECMAScript5 and lower.

您最有可能的目标是编译ECMAScript5的Typescript,因此Object接口没有 assign 已定义。

You're most likely targeting to compile your Typescript for ECMAScript5 and therefor the Object interface does not have assign defined.


You can either target ECMAScript2015 by changing your TS compiler configuration with


或者您可以使用 assign

declare interface ObjectConstructor {
    assign(...objects: Object[]): Object;


(you can add this declaration anywhere, redeclaring an interface extends it instead of overwriting it)


Or you can coerce Object to any and ignore its typing:

(< any> Object).assign(this.photos,photos)


Whichever you choose, keep in mind that if you want this to run on older browsers you need to add a polyfill. Most modern browsers are fairly close to implementing the ES2015 feature set, but they're not 100% there, meaning that some parts of your code will still fail if you rely on ES2015 functionality.

在目标ES5或更早版本时,Typescript不会填充 Object.assign ,这就是您收到此错误的原因。另一方面,Babel确实有插件形式的polyfill,这意味着你需要将Babel transpilation合并到你的构建管道中,参见:

Typescript will not polyfill Object.assign when targetting ES5 or older, that is why you are getting this error. On the other hand, Babel does have polyfills in the form of plugins, which would mean you need to incorporate Babel transpilation into your build pipeline, see: https://babeljs.io/docs/plugins/transform-object-assign/

作为最后的选择,你可以考虑使用一个库作为Lodash或jQuery,它们有自己的 Object.assign 的实现(称为 extend

As a final option you can consider using a library as Lodash or jQuery, which have their own implementation of Object.assign (called extend)


11-01 03:31