




我开始从起点开始,我试图将左行进距离的汽油休息。如果数值为< 0;而当我们到达重新开始,然后无解的存在。否则继续循环,直到你到达终点。最终总是启动+ 1;我也知道算法为O(n)。能有一个人还解释了使用一个很好的逻辑是如何的为O(n)。


   INT开始= 0,结束= 1,cur_ptr = P [0]  -  D [0],I =开始;


         开始=第(i + 1)%N;
         结束=(启动+ 1)%N;
         cur_ptr = 0;
         如果(开始== 0)返回-1; //如果启动再次成为0,那么无解

      I =(I + 1)%N;

      cur_ptr + = P [I]  -  D [I];


启动!=结束总是成立。因此,你的算法产生无限循环,如果有一个解决方案。此外,我不明白,为什么结束启动+ 1




该功能开始于汽油= 0 。你看到,此配置是无效的,因为在泵4剩余汽油为负。此外,有一个解决方案,因为在最后的泵(再次启动泵)剩余汽油是阳性

会发生什么,如果我们选择一个不同的开始?该函数的基本形状保持不变。这只是向左移动。此外,因为函数开始于汽油= 0 ,功能下降 C(开始)。在结束时剩余燃料不会在这种情况下发挥作用,因为这将增加电流汽油

的任务是找到一个启动,允许所有的 C(I)是积极的。这显然​​是最小的 C(I),在这种情况下,为开始= 4 的情况。

计算功能 C(I)可以反复做,因此,在线性时间。您一次迭代从0到N最低可这个迭代在固定时间过程中发现(通过与目前最低的比较)。因此,总的时间复杂度为 O(N)


I just solved the problem. I want to know if I solved the problem correctly.


I started from starting point and I tried adding rest of the petrol left travelling the distance. if value is < 0 and if we reach start again then no solution exists. otherwise keep looping till you reach the end. End is always start + 1; Also I know the algorithm O(n). Can some one also explain using a good logic how its O(n).

int PPT(int P[], int D[], int N)

   int start = 0, end = 1, cur_ptr = P[0] - D[0], i = start;

   while(start != end)

      if(cur_ptr < 0)
         start = (i + 1) % N;
         end = (start + 1) % N;
         cur_ptr = 0;
         if(start == 0) return -1; // if start again becomes 0 then no solution exists

      i = (i + 1) % N;

      cur_ptr += P[i] - D[i];

start != end always holds. Therefore, your algorithm produces an infinite loop if there is a solution. Furthermore, I don't understand, why end should be start + 1.

Here is another approach:

Consider the following function:

This function calculates the remaining petrol just before arriving at pump i. The function can be visualized as follows:

The function starts at petrol = 0. You see that this configuration is not valid, because at pump 4 the remaining petrol is negative. Furthermore, there is a solution, because the remaining petrol at the last pump (again the start pump) is positive.

What happens, if we choose a different start? The basic shape of the function remains the same. It is just moved to the left. Furthermore, because the function starts at petrol = 0, the function is decreased by C(start). The remaining fuel at the end does not play a role in this case, because it would increase the current petrol.

The task is to find a start that allows all C(i) to be positive. This is obviously the case for the minimal C(i), in this case for start = 4.

Calculating the function C(i) can be done iteratively, and therefore, in linear time. You iterate once from 0 to N. The minimum can be found during this iteration in constant time (by comparing with the current minimum). Therefore, the overall time complexity is O(n).


08-05 05:43