

我在做一个iOS应用程序,你输入9 lettes以及9字母它将输出字谜。它像目标词,还是在纸9字母的单词。像此链接:

I'm Making a an ios application where you input 9 lettes and it will output anagrams of those 9 letters. It is like the target word, or 9 letter word in the paper. Like this link:


It doesn't just provide anagrams for 9 letters, it will do it for 4 letters, 5 letters, 6 letters... all of which contain at least the middle letter.

我要使它成为离线应用程序,所以我不想引用任何网站或使用在线JSON ...

I want to make it an offline application, so I don't want to reference any websites or use an online json...


How would I go about checking if an array of the 9 letters can be rearranged into a word which is in an English dictionary which I have downloaded.

例如。我的输入(A,B,A,N, D ,O,N,E,D):我将如何得到的4个字以上是英文单词数组中的输出所谓的汉英大辞典,必须包含中间的字母D - 像放弃,债券,死......

E.g. I have the input of (a,b,a,n,D,o,n,e,d): how would I get the output of 4 letters or more that are English words in an array called "English Dictionary" which must contains the middle letter "D" - like "abandon", "bond", "dead"...

是最佳的方法很多,很多循环和if语句或者是有什么在X code / Objective C的,我可以用它来只得到4个字母列表,然后有这一切成为可能的安排..

Is the best method lots and lots of loops and if statements or is there something in xcode/ objective c which I can use to just get the list of 4 letters and then have all possible arrangements of it...




Let me propose a different algorithm that depends on a lookup, not a search through an array.



Iterate over the words in the dictionary. For each word, create a string with the same characters, sorted alphabetically. Using this string as a key, create a dictionary of arrays of the original words.



Now You can do the check on any character combination very quickly: Just sort the characters like above and look the resulting key up in the map.




   bdno : ( bond ),
   amry : ( Mary, army ),


Using this map it's very fast to check anagrams of any word. No iteration over the dictionary array is needed.



My proposed algorithm splits in three parts:

  1. 系统设置方法来构建从对象的字典查找地图: anagramMap

  2. 来计算字符逐个字符的方法来分类的关键: anagramKey

  3. 的发现中包含九个字母的单词字符的所有排列并查找地图中的字的算法: findAnagrams

  1. A setup method to build the lookup map from a dictionary of objects: anagramMap
  2. A method to calculate the character-by-character sorted key: anagramKey
  3. An algorithm that finds all permutations of the characters contained in the nine letter word and looks up the words in the map: findAnagrams.


Here's an implementation of all three methods as a category on NSString:

@interface NSString (NSStringAnagramAdditions)
- (NSSet *)findAnagrams;

@implementation NSString (NSStringAnagramAdditions)

+ (NSDictionary *)anagramMap
    static NSDictionary *anagramMap;
    if (anagramMap != nil)
        return anagramMap;

    // this file is present on Mac OS and other unix variants
    NSString *allWords = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:@"/usr/share/dict/words"

    NSMutableDictionary *map = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
    @autoreleasepool {
        [allWords enumerateLinesUsingBlock:^(NSString *word, BOOL *stop) {
            NSString *key = [word anagramKey];
            if (key == nil)
            NSMutableArray *keyWords = [map objectForKey:key];
            if (keyWords == nil) {
                keyWords = [NSMutableArray array];
                [map setObject:keyWords forKey:key];
            [keyWords addObject:word];

    anagramMap = map;
    return anagramMap;

- (NSString *)anagramKey
    NSString *lowercaseWord = [self lowercaseString];

    // make sure to take the length *after* lowercase. it might change!
    NSUInteger length = [lowercaseWord length];

    // in this case we're only interested in anagrams 4 - 9 characters long
    if (length < 4 || length > 9)
        return nil;

    unichar sortedWord[length];
    [lowercaseWord getCharacters:sortedWord range:(NSRange){0, length}];

    qsort_b(sortedWord, length, sizeof(unichar), ^int(const void *aPtr, const void *bPtr) {
        int a = *(const unichar *)aPtr;
        int b = *(const unichar *)bPtr;
        return b - a;

    return [NSString stringWithCharacters:sortedWord length:length];

- (NSSet *)findAnagrams
    unichar nineCharacters[9];
    NSString *anagramKey = [self anagramKey];

    // make sure this word is not too long/short.
    if (anagramKey == nil)
        return nil;
    [anagramKey getCharacters:nineCharacters range:(NSRange){0, 9}];
    NSUInteger middleCharPos = [anagramKey rangeOfString:[self substringWithRange:(NSRange){4, 1}]].location;

    NSMutableSet *anagrams = [NSMutableSet set];

    // 0x1ff means first 9 bits set: one for each character
    for (NSUInteger i = 0; i <= 0x1ff; i += 1) {

        // skip permutations that do not contain the middle letter
        if ((i & (1 << middleCharPos)) == 0)

        NSUInteger length = 0;
        unichar permutation[9];
        for (int bit = 0; bit <= 9; bit += 1) {
            if (i & (1 << bit)) {
                permutation[length] = nineCharacters[bit];
                length += 1;

        if (length < 4)

        NSString *permutationString = [NSString stringWithCharacters:permutation length:length];
        NSArray *matchingAnagrams = [[self class] anagramMap][permutationString];

        for (NSString *word in matchingAnagrams)
            [anagrams addObject:word];

    return anagrams;


假设在一个名为 nineletters 变量,你会使用日志的可能值的测试字符串:

Assuming a test string in a variable called nineletters you would log the possible values using:

for (NSString *anagram in [nineletters findAnagrams])
    NSLog(@"%@", anagram);


08-18 19:24