

所以我有3个表,actor(id,name),movie(id,name,year)和casts(aid,mid)(这是actor id和movie id)。我的目标是选择所有演员在1900年之前的电影,并在2000年后的电影。

so I have 3 tables, actor(id, name), movie (id,name,year) and casts(aid, mid) (which are actor id and movie id). My goal is to select all the actors who acted in a film before 1900 and also in a film after 2000.My query is

select a.id 
from actor a, movie m1, casts c1, movie m2, casts c2
where a.id = c1.aid = c2.aid and c1.mid = m1.id and c2.mid = m2.id and
m1.year >2000 and m2.year <1900;


this query took really long time and didnt seem to produce the right result.So someone could please help me?


我假设问题是表达式 a .id = c1.aid = c2.aid 。如果我没有错误,这首先比较 c1.aid c2.aid ,然后与布尔结果 a.id

I assume the problem is the expression a.id = c1.aid = c2.aid. If I am not mistaken, this first compares c1.aid with c2.aid and then the boolean result with a.id.


select a.id 
from actor a
inner join casts c1 on c1.aid = a.id
inner join casts c2 on c2.aid = a.id
inner join movie m1 on c1.mid = m1.id
inner join movie m2 on c2.mid = m2.id 
where m1.year >2000 and m2.year <1900; 

或者,如果你更喜欢 where 内部联接的语法,只需将 a.id = c1.aid = c2.aid 更改为 a.id = c1.aid和a.id = c2.aid

Or, if you better like the where syntax of inner joins, just change a.id = c1.aid = c2.aid to a.id = c1.aid and a.id = c2.aid


10-10 09:18