

我正在做这个项目,我需要帮助.我正在使用C ++,并且我想开发一个只能检测人脸并排除其余部分的人脸的应用程序,该应用程序必须跟踪人脸.在界面中按下检测按钮后,它必须知道哪种情感是由个人表现出来的.我现在已经完成了应用程序的界面,我希望代码能够存储数据(即面部表情)并在检测过程中检索它们.帮助,我不知道从哪里开始.请通过*已删除电子邮件*

guys i am doing this project and i need help. i am using C++ and i want to develop an application that can detect a human face only taking facial part and excluding the rest, the application have to track the human face.after pressing a detect button in the interface it have to tell what kind of emotion is shown by the individual. i did the interface of the application now i want the code to be able to store data i.e facial expressions and retrieve them during detection.help please i do not know where to start. please inbox me at *removed e-mail*



08-20 03:23