

我听说C ++和Python是最常用的两种语言。


而在Python中 - 版本2或3?

在基本游戏开发(例如赛车游戏)和非flash / iphone /浏览器游戏。

也不想跳到C# p>

C ++ vs python是我正在考虑的...



取决于游戏的类型。对于大游戏,肯定是C和C ++,因为那是大的引擎和中间件(例如Gamebryo,Unreal,id tech,FMOD音效系统,RAD游戏工具等)。

Python在某些游戏中用作脚本语言(用于游戏逻辑,任务,有时是AI),但也有LUA和可能的许多其他,但是python肯定在这里使用。 p>

对于休闲游戏,你也可以考虑Flash / ActionScript(浏览器游戏也是游戏,它是一个大市场)或C#/ XNA )。

如果你想为iPhone开发游戏,Objective-C是你最好的选择(Flash和MonoTouch)还没有证明自己。 p>

你真正想在游戏开发中做什么?你想在图形引擎上工作吗?或声音? AI?游戏逻辑?

I have heard that C++ and Python are two of the most used languages.

Which one should I choose?

And in Python - version 2 or 3?

I am looking at basic game development (like a car racing game, for example) and NOT flash/iphone/browser games.

Also I do not want to jump to C#.

C++ vs python is what I am considering...

also, it would be helpful, if you could let me know some online resources to start off from.


Depends on the type of game. For the "big" games, certainly C and C++ as that's what the big engines and middleware are written in (e.g., Gamebryo, Unreal, id tech, FMOD Sound System, the RAD Game tools stuff etc.).

Python is used in some games as a scripting language (for game logic, missions, sometimes AI), but there is also LUA and possibly many others, but python certainly is used here.

For "casual" games you might also consider Flash/ActionScript (Browser Games are also games, and it's a big market) or C#/XNA (although that did not really take off).

If you want to develop games for the iPhone, Objective-C is your best bet as the alternatives (Flash and MonoTouch) have yet to prove themselves.

What do you actually want to do in game development? Do you want to work on a Graphics engine? Or Sound? AI? Game Logic?


08-21 16:24