本文介绍了NVidia是否支持OpenCL SPIR?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想知道nvidia是否支持spir后端?如果是,我找不到任何有关此的文档和示例示例.但是,如果没有,是否有任何方法可以将spir后端工作到nvidia gpus上?预先感谢

I am wondering that whether nvidia supports spir backend or not? if yes, i couldn't find any document and sample example about that. but if not, is there a any way to work spir backend onto nvidia gpus?thanks in advance


由于SPIR基于OpenCL 1.2版构建,并且到目前为止Nvidia尚未提供任何OpenCL 1.2驱动程序,因此无法将SPIR与Nvidia GPU一起使用.如评论中所述,Nvidia已将PTX用作中间语言(也基于LLVM IR).可以考虑将SPIR转换为PTX,但我不知道那是多么现实.

Since SPIR builds on top of OpenCL version 1.2, and so far Nvidia has not made any OpenCL 1.2 drivers available, it is not possible to use SPIR with Nvidia GPUs. As mentioned in the comments, Nvidia has made PTX available as intermediate language (also based on LLVM IR). One could consider translating SPIR into PTX but I don't know how realistic that would be.

AMD和Intel等其他供应商已经显示了对SPIR的支持.这可以通过使用clGetDeviceInfo OpenCL API查询CL_DEVICE_EXTENSIONS来验证.如果结果字符串包含cl_khr_spir,则驱动程序支持SPIR.

Other vendors such as AMD and Intel are already showing support for SPIR. This can be verified by querying the CL_DEVICE_EXTENSIONS with the clGetDeviceInfo OpenCL API. If the result string contains cl_khr_spir, the driver supports SPIR.

这篇关于NVidia是否支持OpenCL SPIR?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-23 16:16