


Hi All,


In my webtest i can see 2 url's

1)A。 aspx 2)b.ashx

1)A.aspx 2)b.ashx

当我在我的应用程序中运行时,我在浏览器中看到的A.aspx是主页面。但是B.ashx是每个记录的页面。 ; ashx的"页面。

A.aspx is the main page which i see in the browser when i run through my application.but B.ashx is the page which gets recorded with every ".ashx" page.


few of the ".aspx" pages contain think time when i see in code.but mostly its this ".ashx" page which has the think time.


Q1)if there is some think time under ".aspx" page, is it the time taken by the page to load?


Q2)the subsequent page(".ashx") having think time means that its the time taken by a user on that(main) page?



Think time is used to produce real life scenario where a user is not going to send consecutive requests to server but, will spend some time thinking/executing, that will cause a delay between the chain of requests.

思考时间添加到您的请求中的是您在发送早期请求并设置此请求后花费的时间。 (可能用于在输入框中键入文本或选择多个复选框,甚至可以考虑下一步操作的内容/方法)。

The think time that gets added to your requests is the time that you spend after the earlier request was sent and this request is set. (May be for typing a text in a inputbox or selecting multiple check box, or even thinking what/how to do next action).


So, During execution, if (and only if you have enabled think time using testsettings in web test or using think profile in scenario of a load test), the virtual user will wait for that much time after generating that request. This will allow testers to generate a realistic user load.


So, think time is neither time taken by the page to load. Its a delay entered between request. Seehttp://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd997697.aspx.



08-06 14:57