例如,源字段可能具有数据类型nvarchar(max),并且在您的SQL开发中或存在映射的地方,您可以将值分配为较小的数据大小类型.例如,在源表中,您有一个字符串值5000个字符,但在此过程中将其分配给nvarchar(4000),则将发生数据截断我建议您检查语句中的数据映射I am getting an error while exporting data from SQL Server to an already created .xlsx file using openrowset.It works fine most of times, but when the data comes in of the field as a large string, while inserting into Excel, it shows this error:Data gets inserted into table, but while inserting in Excel, this error appears. Please help me find a solution. 解决方案 As the error mentions "data would be truncated", you should be provide a longer string value into a placeholder or field that has a smaller storage size.For example, the source field may have data type nvarchar(max) and in your SQL development or where a mapping exists, you assing the values into a smaller data size type. For example, in source table you have a string value 5000 characters, but during the process it is assigned to a nvarchar(4000) then a data truncation will occurI would suggest you to check data mappings in your statements 这篇关于我使用SQL Server的INSERT INTO OPENROWSET将每列超过255个字符插入Excel文件时遇到问题的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
07-30 03:54