


I have an array of "Range" objects with properties "Offset" and "Length", as shown below. Assume that it'll be sorted by "Offset" ascending.


Offset        Length     Index
-------       -------    -------
100           10         0
110           2          1
112           5          2
117           3          3
300           5          4
305           5          5
400           5          6
405           10         7
415           2          8
417           4          9
421           7          10
428           1          11
429           6          12
500           4          13
504           9          14


The contiguous subsequences in this case would be:

Sequence #1 indices: 0, 1, 2, 3
Sequence #2 indices: 4, 5
Sequence #3 indices: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12  <-- (longest!!)
Sequence #4 indices: 13, 14


Assume that there will only be one longest sequence. Iterating through the items, i thought to create a new array for each contiguous sequence and return the biggest array, but that seem sub-optimal. Is there a better way to do this? I'm implementing in C# 2.0. The function should either return an array containing the elements of the longest subsequence, or the starting and ending indices of the longest subsequence in the original array.



这个问题是不相关的连续子序列问题等,而是一个简单的问题,它可以在O(n)的时间来解决。在我看来,该弦重新$ P $的数组psented不重叠,所以有一个很简单的算法:把左手食指的第一行上,然后运行右手食指向下,只要你是一个连续序列中。当序列结束时,存储长度和起始位置。然后重复这一点。当你发现比previous记录更长的序列中,更新的起始位置。

This problem is not related to contiguous subsequence problem etc. but is a simple problem which can be solved in O(n) time. It seems to me that the "strings" represented by the array are not overlapping, so there is a very simple algorithm: put left index finger on the first row, and then run the right index finger downwards as long as you are within a contiguous sequence. When the sequence ends, store the length and the starting location. Then repeat this. Whenever you find a longer sequence than the previous record, you update the starting location.


08-21 03:39