


Is there a way to change the Fiddler's root certificate. I want it for a scenario when the client app uses certificate pinning and I have access to the keystore, whose certificate is being trusted by the client app.


我认为您是在问我可以更改Fiddler用于特定站点的证书吗" ,而不是 root 证书,该证书适用于所有网站.

I think you're asking "Can I change the certificate Fiddler uses for a particular site" rather than the root certificate, which is used for all sites.


Yes, if you really do have the private key for the certificate, you can configure Fiddler to use it. Inside Fiddler's Rules > Customize Rules > OnBoot function, you can call either:

CertMaker.StoreCert("example.com", certMyCert);

CertMaker.StoreCert("example.com", "C:\\temp\\cert.pfx", "TopSecretPassword");


The first call requires that your X509Certificate2 variable (certMyCert in this case) refer to a certificate that is already installed in your computer's Certificate Manager (certmgr.msc), so its private key can be found, while the second allows you to specify a PFX file from disk.


08-04 15:47