



我正在尝试从C#对C ++结构进行互操作.结构(在C#包装器中)是这样的

I'm trying to do an interop to a C++ structure from C#. The structure (in a C# wrapper) is something like this

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public struct SENSE4_CONTEXT
    public System.IntPtr dwIndex; //or UInt64, depending on platform.

底层的C ++结构有点异常.在32位操作系统中,dwIndex必须为IntPtr才能使互操作性起作用,但在64位OS中,必须为UInt64以便互操作性起作用.

The underlying C++ structure is a bit abnormal. In 32 bit OS, dwIndex must be IntPtr in order for the interop to work, but in 64 bit OS, it must be UInt64 in order for the interop to work.


Any idea how to modify the above structure to make it work on both 32 and 64 bit OS?


如果dwIndex中的"dw"前缀正确,则听起来像DWORD,它是32位 unsigned 整数.在这种情况下,您需要使用UIntPtr,它在32位上类似于UInt32,在64位上类似于UInt64.

If the "dw" prefix in dwIndex is accurate then it sounds like a DWORD, which is a 32-bit unsigned integer. In that case you need to use UIntPtr, which will be like UInt32 on 32-bit and like UInt64 on 64-bit.

您的C ++程序不太可能在32位平台上需要带符号的整数,而在64位平台上需要无符号的整数(当然,这并非没有可能).

It seems unlikely that your C++ program requires a signed integer on a 32-bit platform and an unsigned one on a 64-bit one (though not impossible, of course).


08-07 07:21