

本文介绍了WWDC 2019-iOS 2020年4月13日要求的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


WWDC 2019视频中,iOS 13的UI现代化,苹果提到了一项要求,即到2020年4月,所有应用都应

In the WWDC 2019 video Modernizing Your UI for iOS 13 , Apple mentions a requirement that by April 2020 all apps should

  • 采用启动情节提要
  • 支持任何大小
  • 支持分屏多任务

支持分屏多任务"是否如课程258:架构您的描述中所述适用于多个Windows的应用或在会议212:在iPad上引入多个Windows ?

Does "Support Split screen multitasking" mean as described in Session 258: Architecting Your App for Multiple Windows OR in Session 212: Introducing Multiple Windows on iPad?

因此,应用程序必须使用Xcode将Base SDK版本升级到iOS 13并实现场景方法.

So then the apps have to up the Base SDK version to iOS 13 in Xcode and implement the scene methods.

因此,我们需要将Xcode中的部署目标升级到任何较低的版本,例如说iOS 11?

So we need to up the deployment target in Xcode to any lower version, e.g. say iOS 11?


不.被描述为必需的功能全部存在于iOS 11中.需要的是您采用它们.

No. The features described as being required all exist in iOS 11. What's required is that you adopt them.


  • 采用启动情节提要
  • 支持任何大小
  • 支持分屏多任务


  • 目前,您通常可以通过启动图像来代替使用启动情节提要.如果缺少某个电话尺寸的启动图像,则该电话会假装这是另一部(较小的)电话,并放大显示.那将不再合法;启动图像将消失.

  • At present, you can often get by with launch images instead of using a launch storyboard. If a launch image for a certain phone size is missing, that phone pretends this is a different (smaller) phone and zoom the display. That will cease to be legal; launch images will be dead.


At present, the use of launch images allows an app to appear letterboxed or zoomed on a device for which it is not targeted; the device pretends, in effect, to be a lesser device with a smaller screen. That option will go away together with launch images.


At present, an iPad app can opt out of fullscreen multitasking if you check Requires Full Screen in App Target in the target's General pane. The video seems to imply that this will no longer be possible (but then in the same sentence it says that it will be possible if your iPad app requires an "immersive experience").


That's all. None of the stuff you mentioned in your question is involved or implied. The presentation in the video is horribly unclear, however, and the exact meaning of these coming restrictions is yet to emerge.


[One thing that confuses me is the fate of compatibility mode on the iPad. Will iPhone-only apps still be permitted to exist? They are letterboxed on iPad, and they do not support fullscreen multitasking. Will all apps have to be iPad-only or Universal going forward? It isn't clear from the video.]

这篇关于WWDC 2019-iOS 2020年4月13日要求的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-11 21:13