


I am trying to find the root y of a function called f using Python.


 def f(y):
    w,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7 = y[:8]
    t1 = w - 0.500371726*(p1**0.92894164) - (-0.998515304)*((1-p1)**1.1376649)
    t2 = w - 8.095873128*(p2**0.92894164) - (-0.998515304)*((1-p2)**1.1376649)
    t3 = w - 220.2054377*(p3**0.92894164) - (-0.998515304)*((1-p3)**1.1376649)
    t4 = w - 12.52760758*(p4**0.92894164) - (-0.998515304)*((1-p4)**1.1376649)
    t5 = w - 8.710859537*(p5**0.92894164) - (-0.998515304)*((1-p5)**1.1376649)
    t6 = w - 36.66350261*(p6**0.92894164) - (-0.998515304)*((1-p6)**1.1376649)
    t7 = w - 3.922692207*(p7**0.92894164) - (-0.998515304)*((1-p7)**1.1376649)
    t8 = p1 + p2 + p3 + p4 + p5 + p6 + p7 - 1
    return [t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8]

x0 = np.array([-0.01,0.3,0.1,0.2,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1])
sol = scipy.optimize.root(f, x0, method='lm')
print sol
print 'solution', sol.x
print 'success', sol.success


Python does not find the root whatever the method I try in scipy.optimize.root.


However there is one, I found it with the function fsolve in Matlab.



[-0.0622, 0.5855, 0.087, 0.0028, 0.0568, 0.0811, 0.0188, 0.1679].


When I specify x0 close to the root, the python algorithm converges. The problem is that I have no idea a priori on the root to specify x0. In reality I am solving many equations of this type.


I really want to use Python. Can anyone help me converge with python?



OK, after some fooling around, we focus on another aspect of good optimization/root finding algorithms. In the comments above we went back and forth around which method in scipy.optimize.root() to use. An equally important question for near-bulletproof 'automatic' root finding is zeroing in on good initial guesses. Often times, good initial guesses are, in fact, not near the real answer at all. Instead, they need to be arranged so that they will naturally lead the solver in the right direction.


In your particular case, your guesses were, in fact, sending the algorithm off in strange directions.


My toy reconstruction of your problem is:

import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import scipy.optimize
def f(y):
    w,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7 = y[:8]
    def t(p,w,a):
        b = -0.998515304
        e1 = 0.92894164
        e2 = 1.1376649
        return(w-a*p**e1 - b*(1-p)**e2)
    t1 = t(p1,w,1.0)
    t2 = t(p2,w,4.0)
    t3 = t(p3,w,16.0)
    t4 = t(p4,w,64.0)
    t5 = t(p5,w,256.0)
    t6 = t(p6,w,512.0)
    t7 = t(p7,w,1024.0)
    t8 = p1 + p2 + p3 + p4 + p5 + p6 + p7 - 1.0
guess = 0.0001
x0 = np.array([-1000.0,guess,guess,guess,guess,guess,guess,guess])
sol = sp.optimize.root(f, x0, method='lm')
print('w=-1000: ', sol.x, sol.success,sol.nfev,np.sum(f(sol.x)))


Note that I did not use your specific prefactors (I wanted to broaden the range I explored), although I kept your particular exponents on the p terms.

真正的秘密在于最初的猜测,我对所有p项都做了相同的猜测.将其设置为0.1或更高的值在很多时候都被炸毁,因为某些术语想走一条路而另一些则要走.将其减小到0.01可以很好地解决此问题. (我会注意到w项非常健壮-从-1000到+1000.对解决方案没有影响).减少初始猜测甚至对这个特定问题都没有影响,但是也没有害处.我会保持很小.

The real secret is in the initial guess, which I made the same for all p terms. Having it a 0.1 or above bombed much of the time, since some terms want to go one way and some the other. Reducing it to 0.01 worked well for this problem. (I will note that the w term is very robust - varying from -1000. to +1000. had no effect on the solution). Reducing the initial guess even further has no effect on this particular problem, but it does no harm either. I would keep it very small.


Yes, you know that at least some terms will be much larger. But, you are putting the solver in a position where it can clearly and directly proceed towards the real solution.



08-13 12:30