

本文介绍了Unity 中的简单事件系统的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试在 Unity 中使用事件系统(C# 方式),但在实现它时遇到了问题.

I am trying to use the event system in Unity (the C# way), but I am having problems to implement it.


Most of the examples, show one class, where you define the handler; then you write in the same class, the function that match the signature of the handler, and you write the events as static

public class EventExample : MonoBehaviour
    public delegate void ExampleEventHandler();
    public static event ExampleEventHandler OneDayPassed;

    public static void NextTurn()
        // do stuff then send event
        if (OneDayPassed != null)


Then in another class, you subscribe to the events, creating a function that actually do something

public class EntityWatcher: MonoBehaviour
    void Start()
        EventExample.OneDayPassed += this.PrepareNextDay;

    public void PrepareNextDay()
        // Do other stuff that happen after the day is done


到目前为止没有问题,但我不确定如何设计它,因此任何特定类型的游戏对象都将订阅此事件.例如,如果您有一个 GO 的人员类别,即 8 到 6 人工作,并且您在运行时实例化它们;我应该在这个类别的主类中订阅,还是应该创建一个附加到游戏对象预制件的脚本来订阅事件?

So far no problems, but I am not sure how do I design this, so any GameObject of a particular type, will subscribe to this event. For example, if you have a staff category of GO, that is working 8 to 6, and you instantiate them at runtime; should I subscribe in the main class of this category, or should I create a script that I attach to the Game Object prefab, that subscribe to the event?


The objective is that all the staff members that should do a 8 to 6 shift at the sport center, know when the "day is done" event fire up, but I don't want to subscribe every single prefab that I instantiate.


From my understanding, I should attach a script with the needed code on the prefab, but I can't find a practical example that show if that is in fact the way to do it.


您必须使用 UnityEvent.

public UnityEvent whoa;


制作脚本 BigScript.cs

Make a script BigScript.cs

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.Events;

public class BigScript:MonoBehaviour
    [Header("Here's a cool event! Drag anything here!")]
    public UnityEvent whoa;


Put it on a game object. Now look at it in the Inspector.


就是这么简单.要在 BigScript 中调用事件,只需

It's that simple. To call the event in BigScript, it is just

    [Header("Here's a cool event! Drag anything here!")]
    public UnityEvent whoa;

    private void YourFunction()


In rare cases you may need to add a listener via code rather than simply dragging it in the Editor. This is trivial:



(Normally you should never have to do that. Simply drag to connect. I only mention this for completeness.)



Be aware of out of date example code regarding this topic on the internet.


这是一个函数有一个 FLOAT 参数的例子:

Here is an example where the function has ONE FLOAT argument:


Simply add THIS CODE at the top of the file:

[System.Serializable] public class _UnityEventFloat:UnityEvent<float> {}


then proceed as normal. It's that easy.

// ...
using UnityEngine.Events;

// add this magic line of code up top...
[System.Serializable] public class _UnityEventFloat:UnityEvent<float> {}

public class SomeThingHappens : MonoBehaviour
    // now proceed as usual:
    public _UnityEventFloat changedLength;

    void ProcessValues(float v)
        // ...


When you drag from your other function to the Editor slot on this function:


Be certain to use the section - "Dynamic float".

(令人困惑的是,您的函数也将在静态参数"部分列出!这是 Unity 中的一个巨大问题!)

(Confusingly your function will also be listed in the "Static Parameters" section! That is a huge gotchya in Unity!)

这篇关于Unity 中的简单事件系统的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-20 03:19