

嗨...我想使用HtmlUnit登录到一些第三方网站.但是HtmlUnit应该能够告诉我输入站点的登录尝试是否成功.是否有任何方法可以使用HtmlUnit执行此任务.请帮忙.. !!!

Hy... i want to login to some 3rd party sites using HtmlUnit. But HtmlUnit should be able to tell me whether the login attempt to the input site is successful or not. Is there any way around to perform this task using HtmlUnit. Please help ..!!!

谢谢乌斯曼·拉扎(Usman Raza)

ThanksUsman Raza



I'm currently using HTMLunit to log in to a site that has a varification page and redirect. some of my code for this is:

//---------------------------------Login Page---------------------------------

HtmlPage PageLogin = webClient.getPage(url);
HtmlElement submitButton = (HtmlElement) PageLogin.getByXPath(Xpath To Button).get(0);
HtmlTextInput name = (HtmlTextInput) PageLogin.getElementById("UserIdInput");
HtmlPasswordInput pass = (HtmlPasswordInput)PageLogin.getElementById("ADloginPasswordInput");


    System.out.println("Logging in to site");

   //---------------------------------Pass varified Page----------------------
    HtmlPage pagePassVarified = submitButton.click();
    System.out.println("Successfully Logged in to site");
    HtmlElement btnContinue = (HtmlElement) pagePassVarified.getElementById("BtnClickToContinue");

    //---------------------Home Page----------------------------------
    HtmlPage pageHome = btnContinue.click();
    System.out.println("Home Page accessed");


This code goes to a login page, adds username and passwords to text boxes, and clicks the submit button. We are next redirected to a "wait 5 seconds, or click here to continue to home page" type of page, where the continue button is clicked. Lastly we arrive at our home page that we wanted to log into. I selected the page elements by both ID and Xpath when no ID was available.


08-24 13:30