


what_is_love <- function(f) {
  function(...) {
    cat('f is', f, '\n')

并用lapply调用:funs <- lapply(c('love', 'cherry'), what_is_love)


> funs[[1]]()
f is cherry
> funs[[2]]()
f is cherry


But note that this is not the case when you do not use lapply:

> f1 <- what_is_love('love')
> f2 <- what_is_love('cherry')
> f1()
f is love
> f2()
f is cherry


我知道funs <- lapply(c('love', 'cherry'), what_is_love)可以更完整地写出来:

I know that funs <- lapply(c('love', 'cherry'), what_is_love) can be written out more fully:

params <- c('love', 'cherry')
out <- vector('list', length(params))
for (i in seq_along(params)) {
  out[[i]] <- what_is_love(params[[i]])


But when I browse in, I see that both functions have their own environment:

Browse[1]> out[[1]]
function(...) {
    cat('f is', f, '\n')
<environment: 0x109508478>
Browse[1]> out[[2]]
function(...) {
    cat('f is', f, '\n')
<environment: 0x1094ff750>


But in each of those environments, f is the same...

Browse[1]> environment(out[[1]])$f
[1] "cherry"
Browse[1]> environment(out[[2]])$f
[1] "cherry"

我知道答案是惰性评估",但我正在寻找更多的深度... f如何最终在两种环境中重新分配? f来自哪里?在此示例中,R惰性评估如何工作?

I know the answer is "lazy evaluation", but I'm looking for a bit more depth... how does f end up re-assigned across both environments? Where does f come from? How does R lazy evaluation work under the hood in this example?



I'm aware of the other question on lazy evaluation and functionals, but it just says the answer is "lazy evaluation" without explaining how the lazy evaluation actually works. I'm seeking greater depth.



what_is_love <- function(f) {
  function(...) {
    cat('f is', f, '\n')

内部函数为f创建了一个外壳,但要注意的是,直到您实际使用传递给函数的变量,该变量仍是一个承诺",并且没有被实际评估.如果要捕获" f的当前值,则需要强制评估promise.您可以为此使用force()函数.

the inner function creates an enclosure for f, but the catch is that until you actually use a variable passed to a function, it remains a "promise" and is not actually evaluated. If you want to "capture" the current value of f, then you need to force the evaluation of the promise; you can use the force() function fo this.

what_is_love <- function(f) {
  function(...) {
    cat('f is', f, '\n')
funs <- lapply(c('love', 'cherry'), what_is_love)

# f is love
# f is cherry


Without force(), f remains a promise inside both of the functions in your list. It is not evaluated until you call the function, and when you call the function that promise is evaluated to the last known value for f which is "cherry."

正如@MartinMorgran指出的那样,此行为在R 3.2.0中已更改.从发行说明

As @MartinMorgran pointed out, this behavior has changed in R 3.2.0. From the release notes


08-26 05:52