


X<-matrix(c(rep(1,97),runif(97)) , nrow=97, ncol=2)
y<-matrix(runif(97), nrow= 97 , ncol =1)


I have succeed in creating the cost function

### Calculate half MSE
    sum((X %*% theta - y)^2)/(2*length(y))


How ever when I run this function , it seem to fail to converge over 100 iterations.

theta <- matrix (0, nrow=2,ncol=1)
num.iters <- 1500
delta = 0

    for (i in num.iters){

        while (max(abs(delta)) < tolerance){

            error <- X %*% theta - y
            delta <- (t(X) %*% error) / length(y)
            theta <- theta - alpha * delta
            cost_histo[i] <- COST(theta,X,y)
            theta_histo[[i]] <- theta

        return (list(cost_histo, theta_histo))





Algorithmic part of your implementation is correct. Problems lie in

  • GD中的循环结构不正确; for循环是多余的,变量缺少适当的初始化.
  • 使用固定的alpha简单实现梯度下降很危险.通常建议将此alpha选择得足够小,以希望我们总是向下搜索目标函数.但是,这在实践中很少见.例如,多小就足够了?如果太小,那么收敛速度就成问题了.但是如果它很大,我们可能会陷入之字形"的搜索路径甚至发散!
  • The loop structure in GD is not right; the for loop is redundant and variables lack proper initialization.
  • Simple implementation of gradient descent by using a fixed alpha is dangerous. It is usually suggested that this alpha should be chosen small enough to hope that we always search down the objective function. However, this is rare in practice. For example, how small is sufficient? If it is small, then convergence speed is a problem; but if it is large, we may be trapped in a 'zig-zag' searching path and even a divergence!

这是渐变下降的可靠版本,用于估算线性回归.改进来自减半策略,以避免锯齿"或发散.查看代码中的注释.在这种策略下,使用大型alpha是安全的. 保证融合.

Here is a robust version of Gradient Descent, for estimation of linear regression. The improvement comes from the step halving strategy, to avoid "zig-zag" or divergence. See comments along the code. Under this strategy, it is safe to use large alpha. Convergence is guaranteed.

# theta: initial guess on regression coef
# alpha: initial step scaling factor
GD <- function(X, y, theta, alpha) {
  cost_histo <- numeric(0)
  theta_histo <- numeric(0)
  # an arbitrary initial gradient, to pass the initial while() check
  delta <- rep(1, ncol(X))
  # MSE at initial theta
  old.cost <- COST(theta, X, y)
  # main iteration loop
  while (max(abs(delta)) > 1e-7) {
    # gradient
    error <- X %*% theta - y
    delta <- crossprod(X, error) / length(y)
    # proposal step
    trial.theta <- theta - alpha * c(delta)
    trial.cost <- COST(trial.theta, X, y)
    # step halving to avoid divergence
    while (trial.cost >= old.cost) {
      trial.theta <- (theta + trial.theta) / 2
      trial.cost <- COST(trial.theta, X, y)
    # accept proposal
    cost_histo <- c(cost_histo, trial.cost)
    theta_histo <- c(theta_histo, trial.theta)
    # update old.cost and theta
    old.cost <- trial.cost
    theta <- trial.theta
  list(cost_histo, theta_histo = matrix(theta_histo, nrow = ncol(X)))


  • cost_histo的长度告诉您进行了多少次迭代(不包括减半);
  • theta_histo的每个列在每次迭代中给出theta.
  • the length of cost_histo tells you how many iterations have been taken (excluding step halving);
  • each column of theta_histo gives theta per iteration.

实际上,减半可以大大加快收敛速度​​.如果对COST使用更快的计算方法,则可以提高效率. (对大型数据集最有用.请参见 https://stackoverflow.com/a/40228894/4891738 )

Step halving in fact speeds up convergence greatly. You can get more efficiency if you use a faster computation method for COST. (Most useful for large datasets. See https://stackoverflow.com/a/40228894/4891738)

COST<-function(theta,X, y) {
  c(crossprod(X %*% theta - y)) /(2*length(y))


Now, let's consider its implementation on your example X, y.

oo <- GD(X, y, c(0,0), 5)


After 107 iterations it converges. We can view the trace of MSE:



Note that at the first few steps, MSE decreases very fast, but then it is almost flat. This reveals the fundamental drawback of gradient descent algorithm: convergence gets slower and slower as we get nearer and nearer to the minimum.


Now, we extract the final estimated coefficient:

oo[[2]][, 107]


We can also compare this with direct estimation by QR factorization:

.lm.fit(X, y)$coef



08-28 21:44