



我们最近通过使用存储在Azure Document DB中的凭据来实现自定义AuthorizationFilterAttribute来实现API身份验证. DocDB强制所有内容都使用Async.

We've recently implemented API authentication by implementing a custom AuthorizationFilterAttribute, using credentials stored in Azure Document DB. DocDB mandates everything use Async.


Through experimenting we found that WebApi2 synchronous controllers will use the OnAuthorizationAsync if present, and OnAuthorization if no async method. We also found that asyc controller methods can use either auth method. But I'm not 100% sure it is working correctly. We only saw that code did hit breakpoints.


Oddly, you can also override OnAuthorization mark it as async


This last method compiles and executes fine, but the controller will not wait for the auth filter to finish executing before the action method begins. Usually the result is an ASP error:


Seems like this manipulation of the override should have been a compile error and not allowed.

无论如何....关于AuthorizationFilterAttribute有许多谜团,还有一些有关此混淆的文章. Asp.net WebApi中的自定义授权-什么一团糟吗?

Regardless.... There are many mysteries about AuthorizationFilterAttribute and a few other posts exist about the confusion. Custom Authorization in Asp.net WebApi - what a mess?


My question is how do you know which will execute and in which order of precedence? It does appear if both exist in the filter, only one method is executed.

  1. 如果控制器动作是异步的,是否必须重写OnAuthorizationAsync方法?

  1. If your controller action is async, must you override the OnAuthorizationAsync method?


If you have async await in your auth logic, and are forced to use OnAuthorizationAsync (like I am), does this then mean I have to change all my controller actions to now all be async controller actions?


I can't find any documentation that lays out scenarios for async action filters.


如果您看一下 AuthorizationFilterAttribute 的源代码,那么您会发现 OnAuthorizationAsync的基本实现是实际调用 OnAuthorization 的人.

If you take a look at the source code of AuthorizationFilterAttribute then you can see that the base implementation of OnAuthorizationAsync is the one actually calling OnAuthorization.

public virtual void OnAuthorization(HttpActionContext actionContext)

public virtual Task OnAuthorizationAsync(HttpActionContext actionContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    catch (Exception ex)
        return TaskHelpers.FromError(ex);

    return TaskHelpers.Completed();


As you can see, you can actually override either method you want and you don't need to call the base implementation. Just choose the one which makes more since for your scenario - it doesn't matter if the controller is async or not.

关于您将 OnAuthorization 本身标记为异步的问题-代码会进行编译,因为这是C#异步支持的设计方式,但确实会导致调用代码不等待异步部分完成(由于该方法被标记为 async void 而不是 async Task ,它实际上迫不及待.您可以阅读有关 async避免 .

And regarding your question about marking OnAuthorization itself as async - the code compiles since that's the way C# async support is designed, but it indeed causes the calling code to not wait for the async part to complete (it actually can't wait since the method is marked async void and not async Task. You can read more about async avoid here.


09-05 22:22