







  public class HomeController 
private ISomeDependancy _someDependancy;

public HomeController(ISomeDependancy someDependancy)
_someDependancy = someDependancy;

public string GetNameFromDependancy()
return _someDependancy.GetName();

public interface ISomeDependancy
string GetName();

public class VersionASomeDependancy:ISomeDependancy
public string GetName()

public class VersionBSomeDependancy:ISomeDependancy
public string GetName()
returnMy Name是版本B;

public class VersionARegistry:Registry
public VersionARegistry()
// build up complex graph here
ForRequestedType< ISomeDependancy>().DefaultIsConcreteType< VersionASomeDependancy>();

public class VersionBRegistry:Registry
public VersionBRegistry()
// build up complex graph here
ForRequestedType< ISomeDependancy>().DefaultIsConcreteType< VersionBSomeDependancy>();

public class ContainerA:Container
public ContainerA()
:base(new VersionARegistry())

public class ContainerB:Container
public ContainerB()
:base(new VersionBRegistry )

public class线束
public void ensure_that_versions_load_based_on_named_containers()
ObjectFactory.Initialize(c =>
c.ForRequestedType< IContainer>()。AddInstances(
x =>
x.OfConcreteType< ContainerA>()。WithName(VersionA);
x.OfConcreteType< ContainerB>()。WithName(VersionB);
}) .CacheBy(InstanceScope.Singleton);


IContainer containerForVersionA = ObjectFactory.GetNamedInstance< IContainer>(VersionA);
controller = containerForVersionA.GetInstance< HomeController>();
Assert.That(controller.GetNameFromDependancy(),Is.EqualTo(My Name is Version A));

IContainer containerForVersionB = ObjectFactory.GetNamedInstance< IContainer>(VersionB);
controller = containerForVersionB.GetInstance< HomeController>();
Assert.That(controller.GetNameFromDependancy(),Is.EqualTo(My Name is Version B));


正如马克所描述的,实现这一点的常用方法。你有一个类接收所有具体实例的数组(它必须为StructureMap的数组,按预期的行为),然后使用一些逻辑来计算出要使用的实例。 >


  var container = new Container(x => x.Scan(scan => 
scan.AddAllTypesOf< ; IDiscountCalculator>();
var strategy = container.GetInstance< IDiscountStrategy>();
Console.WriteLine(strategy.GetDiscount(Regular,10)); // 0
Console.WriteLine(strategy.GetDiscount(Normal,10)); // 1
Console.WriteLine(strategy.GetDiscount(Special,10)); // 5


  public interface IDiscountStrategy 
decimal GetDiscount(string userType,decimal orderTotal);

public class DiscountStrategy:IDiscountStrategy
private readonly IDiscountCalculator [] _discountCalculators;

public DiscountStrategy(IDiscountCalculator [] discountCalculators)
_discountCalculators = discountCalculators;

public decimal GetDiscount(string userType,decimal orderTotal)
var calculator = _discountCalculators.FirstOrDefault(x => x.AppliesTo(userType)) ;
if(calculator == null)return 0;
return calculator.CalculateDiscount(orderTotal);

public interface IDiscountCalculator
bool AppliesTo(string userType);
decimal CalculateDiscount(decimal orderTotal);

public class NormalUserDiscountCalculator:IDiscountCalculator
public bool AppliesTo(string userType)
return userType ==Normal ;

public decimal CalculateDiscount(decimal orderTotal)
return orderTotal * 0.1m;

public class SpecialUserDiscountCalculator:IDiscountCalculator
public bool AppliesTo(string userType)
return userType ==特别

public decimal CalculateDiscount(decimal orderTotal)
return orderTotal * 0.5m;

My web app has some slight variations in business logic and presentation logic depending on the type of user that is logged in. It seems like getting variations by injecting different concrete classes based on the user type is a good fit for DI. So I'm wondering what features of StructureMap I should use to achieve this (or if I'm way off base on the purposes of DI).

(I just learned that Profiles are not the way to accomplish this because setting the Profile isn't a per-thread operation: Are StructureMap profiles thread safe?)


Is this the way to go about this?

public class HomeController
    private ISomeDependancy _someDependancy;

    public HomeController(ISomeDependancy someDependancy)
        _someDependancy = someDependancy;

    public string GetNameFromDependancy()
        return _someDependancy.GetName();

public interface ISomeDependancy
    string GetName();

public class VersionASomeDependancy : ISomeDependancy
    public string GetName()
        return "My Name is Version A";

public class VersionBSomeDependancy : ISomeDependancy
    public string GetName()
        return "My Name is Version B";

public class VersionARegistry : Registry
    public VersionARegistry()
        // build up complex graph here

public class VersionBRegistry : Registry
    public VersionBRegistry()
        // build up complex graph here

public class ContainerA : Container
    public ContainerA()
        : base(new VersionARegistry())

public class ContainerB : Container
    public ContainerB()
        : base(new VersionBRegistry())

public class Harness
    public void ensure_that_versions_load_based_on_named_containers()
        ObjectFactory.Initialize(c =>
                x =>

        HomeController controller;

        IContainer containerForVersionA = ObjectFactory.GetNamedInstance<IContainer>("VersionA");
        controller = containerForVersionA.GetInstance<HomeController>();
        Assert.That(controller.GetNameFromDependancy(), Is.EqualTo("My Name is Version A"));

        IContainer containerForVersionB = ObjectFactory.GetNamedInstance<IContainer>("VersionB");
        controller = containerForVersionB.GetInstance<HomeController>();
        Assert.That(controller.GetNameFromDependancy(), Is.EqualTo("My Name is Version B"));

One common way to implement this is as Mark described. You have a class that takes in an array of all concrete instances (it must be an array for StructureMap to behave as expected), and then uses some logic to figure out which instance to use.

Some sample code you can paste into a console program or unit test:

var container = new Container(x => x.Scan(scan =>
var strategy = container.GetInstance<IDiscountStrategy>();
Console.WriteLine(strategy.GetDiscount("Regular", 10)); // 0
Console.WriteLine(strategy.GetDiscount("Normal", 10)); // 1
Console.WriteLine(strategy.GetDiscount("Special", 10)); // 5

which depends on the following types:

public interface IDiscountStrategy
    decimal GetDiscount(string userType, decimal orderTotal);

public class DiscountStrategy : IDiscountStrategy
    private readonly IDiscountCalculator[] _discountCalculators;

    public DiscountStrategy(IDiscountCalculator[] discountCalculators)
        _discountCalculators = discountCalculators;

    public decimal GetDiscount(string userType, decimal orderTotal)
        var calculator = _discountCalculators.FirstOrDefault(x => x.AppliesTo(userType));
        if (calculator == null) return 0;
        return calculator.CalculateDiscount(orderTotal);

public interface IDiscountCalculator
    bool AppliesTo(string userType);
    decimal CalculateDiscount(decimal orderTotal);

public class NormalUserDiscountCalculator : IDiscountCalculator
    public bool AppliesTo(string userType)
        return userType == "Normal";

    public decimal CalculateDiscount(decimal orderTotal)
        return orderTotal * 0.1m;

public class SpecialUserDiscountCalculator : IDiscountCalculator
    public bool AppliesTo(string userType)
        return userType == "Special";

    public decimal CalculateDiscount(decimal orderTotal)
        return orderTotal * 0.5m;


09-06 01:18