
Objective-C language defers as many decisions as it can from compile time and link time to runtime.as a principle, it does things dynamically.This means that the language requires not just a compiler, but also a runtime system to execute the compiled code. The runtime system acts as a kind of operating system for the Objective-C language; it’s what makes the language work.

we'll discuss about the NSObject class and how Objective-C programs interact with the runtime system, dynamically loading new classes at runtime, and forwarding messages to other objects, also provides information about how you can find information about objects while your program is running.

from this document we can gain an understanding of how the Objective-C runtime system works and how we can take advantage of it.

This doc contains the following chapter:
1,Runtime Versions and Platforms
2,Interacting with the Runtime
4,Dynamic Method Resolution
5,Message Forwarding

so that's start.


Objective-C的runtime有两个版本—“modern” and “legacy”. iPhone applications and 64-bit programs on OS X v10.5 and later use the modern version of the runtime.Other programs (32-bit programs on OS X desktop) use the legacy version of the runtime.(iPhone开发用的都是64-bit)

h3.2,Interacting with the Runtime

Objective-C programs interact with the runtime system at three distinct levels: through Objective-C source code; through methods defined in the NSObject class of the Foundation framework; and through direct calls to runtime functions.


This chapter describes how the message expressions are converted into objc_msgSend function calls, and how you can refer to methods by name,and how we can take advantage of objc_msgSend method.

//parameter:self,A pointer that points to the instance of the class that is to receive the message.
//parameter:op,The selector of the method that handles the message.
//parameter:...,A variable argument list containing the arguments to the method.
//return:The return value of the method.
id objc_msgSend(id self, SEL op, ...);

When it encounters a method call, the compiler generates a call to one of the functions objc_msgSend, objc_msgSend_stret, objc_msgSendSuper, or objc_msgSendSuper_stret.
Messages sent to an object’s superclass (using the super keyword) are sent using objc_msgSendSuper; other messages are sent using objc_msgSend.
Methods that have data structures as return values are sent using objc_msgSendSuper_stret and objc_msgSend_stret.

In Objective-C, messages aren’t bound to method implementations until runtime.
The compiler converts a message expression 【receiver message】, into a call on a messaging function, objc_msgSend(receiver, selector, arg1, arg2, ...).The messaging function does everything necessary for dynamic binding:

1,It first finds the procedure (method implementation) that the selector refers to. Since the same method can be implemented differently by separate classes, the precise procedure that it finds depends on the class of the receiver.
2,It then calls the procedure, passing it the receiving object (a pointer to its data), along with any arguments that were specified for the method.
3,return value.

The key to messaging lies in the +structures+ that the compiler builds for each +class and object+.

Every +class structure+ includes these two essential elements:
1, A pointer to the superclass.
2, A class dispatch table.(简单说,就是方法选择器和+procedure的地址+的+映射表+,做关联)

When a new object is created, its instance variables are initialized. First among the object’s variables is a pointer to its class structure. This pointer, called isa, gives the object access to its class and to all the classes it inherits from.(创建一个object会初始化一个isa,可以访问+它的类结构+,并更进一步访问各种父类。isa是指向自身类结构的。)

When a message is sent to an object,
1,the messaging function follows the object’s isa pointer to the class structure where it looks up the method selector in the +dispatch table+.
2,If it can’t find the selector there, objc_msgSend follows the pointer to the superclass and tries to find the selector in its dispatch table.
3,Successive failures cause objc_msgSend to climb the class hierarchy until it reaches the NSObject class(what if it cannot find the selector in NSObject Class?see _message forwarding_ below). Once it locates the selector, the function calls the method entered in the table and passes it the receiving object’s data structure.

so we say that,in iOS,methods are dynamically bound to messages.

To speed the messaging process, the runtime system caches the selectors and addresses of methods as they are used(RS实现了dispatch的部分方法cache,可以包含自身和继承的方法). There’s a separate cache for each class, and it can contain selectors for inherited methods as well as for methods defined in the class. Before searching the dispatch tables, the messaging routine first checks the cache of the receiving object’s class (on the theory that a method that was used once may likely be used again). If the method selector is in the cache, messaging is only slightly slower than a function call. Once a program has been running long enough to “warm up” its caches, almost all the messages it sends find a cached method. Caches grow dynamically to accommodate new messages as the program runs.(刚开始+消息分发+会比+消息调用+慢,足够热身后,几乎所有用到的方法都可以在cache中找到就会变快。cache大小会动态增加。)

Using Hidden Arguments。objc_msgSend查找并调用函数,传参中传了2个隐藏参数,接收对象The receiving object和方法选择器The selector for the method。这两个参数,方法定义时未声明,而是在方法实现时插入到实现中。尽管没有显式的声明,我们依旧可以使用RS的api直接使用它们。

Getting a Method Address。可以直接获取方法选择器的地址,并合理使用,避免过于频繁的消息转发的开销。比如在for循环里的消息转发,可以直接获取方法地址并直接调用。

h3.3,Dynamic Method Resolution。动态方法解析
describes how you can provide an implementation of a method dynamically,也就是动态的提供一个方法的实现。

可以使用@dynamic动态的为一个属性绑定setter和getter方法。也可以使用resolveInstanceMethod: 和resolveClassMethod: 方法来动态的给一个实例或者类的方法选择器selector提供implement。





void dynamicMethodIMP(id self, SEL _cmd)
// implementation ....

+ (BOOL)resolveInstanceMethod:(SEL)sel
NSLog(@"sel is %@", NSStringFromSelector(sel));
if(sel == @selector(setName:)){
class_addMethod([self class],sel,(IMP)dynamicMethodIMP,"v@:");
return YES;
return [super resolveInstanceMethod:sel];


h3.4,message forwarding。消息转发



- (id)forwardingTargetForSelector:(SEL)aSelector {
Task *task = [Task new];
if ([task respondsToSelector:aSelector]) {
return task;
return [super forwardingTargetForSelector:aSelector];
- (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)anInvocation {
// 分发消息
Task *task = [Task new];
if ([task respondsToSelector:[anInvocation selector]]) {
[anInvocation invokeWithTarget:task];
// 或者更灵活的处理消息
NSString *key = NSStringFromSelector([invocation selector]);
if ([key rangeOfString:@"set"].location == 0) {
//setter函数形如 setXXX: 拆掉 set和冒号
key = [[key substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(3, [key length]-4)] lowercaseString];
NSString *obj;
[invocation getArgument:&obj atIndex:2];
[data setObject:obj forKey:key];
} else {
//getter函数就相对简单了,直接把函数名做 key就好了。
NSString *obj = [data objectForKey:key];
[invocation setReturnValue:&obj];









NSMethodSignature* signature = [super methodSignatureForSelector:selector];
if (!signature) {

signature = [surrogate methodSignatureForSelector:selector];


return signature;

关于方法签名:Objective-C中方法签名(Method Signature)机制




04-29 23:21