

我正在尝试将语义结果和听写请求的结果结合到SRGS文档的语义值中。例如,我会说搜索马铃薯,输出将类似于out = Search Potato,其中马铃薯是用户说的随机单词。我坚决使用垃圾特别规则,但这似乎不起作用。到目前为止,这就是我所拥有的:

I'm trying to combine both the result of a semantic and a dictation request in the semantic value of a SRGS document. For example, I would say "Search potato" and the output would be something like out="Search Potato" where Potato is a random word spoken by the user. I tought about using the garbage special rule, but it doesn't seem to work. So far that's what I have :

<rule id="rule1" scope="public">
  <item xml:lang="en-us">Search</item>
<tag>out.param1=<ruleref special="GARBAGE"/></tag>

我也看到了该帖子: DICTATION标签。但是问题是它似乎与SRGS不兼容。

I also saw that post : Free-form text with custom SRGS based Grammer where someone proposed the DICTATION tag. But the problem is that it doesn't seem to be SRGS compatible.

如果有帮助,我可以使用tag-format = semantics / 1.0

If it helps, i use tag-format="semantics/1.0"


如果您查看W3C论文 ,您可以看到该标准组认为仅需要您提到的方案(请参见示例1.a),但是SRGS标准当前不支持它。您的问题是如何使用SRGS做到这一点,但是取决于所使用的ASR平台,可能有多种方法可以在SRGS之外实现相同的结果。

If you look at the W3C paper "Extending SRGS to Support More Powerful and Expressive Grammars" you can see that this standards group sees the need for just the scenario you are mentioning (see example 1.a) but it currently is not supported in the SRGS standard. Your question is how to do this with SRGS but there are probably ways to achieve the same results outside of SRGS dependent upon the ASR platform being used.


10-16 07:53