
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense
from IPython.display import display, Markdown, Latex
from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs
%matplotlib widget
from matplotlib.widgets import Slider
from lab_utils_common import dlc
from lab_utils_softmax import plt_softmax
import logging


2.1 算法简介

在softmax回归和具有softmax输出的神经网络中,生成N个输出,并选择一个输出作为预测类别。在这两种情况下,向量 { z } \mathbf{z} z由应用于softmax函数的线性函数生成。softmax函数将 { z } \mathbf{z} z转换为如下所述的概率分布。应用softmax后,每个输出将介于0和1之间,并且输出将相加到1,因此它们可以被解释为概率。较大的输入将对应于较大的输出概率。经过使用指数形式的Softmax函数能够将差距大的数值距离拉的更大。
【Machine Learning】18.Softmax函数-LMLPHP
The softmax function can be written:
a j = e z j ∑ k = 1 N e z k (1) a_j = \frac{e^{z_j}}{ \sum_{k=1}^{N}{e^{z_k} }} \tag{1} aj=k=1Nezkezj(1)
其中 z i z_i zi为第i个节点的输出值,N为输出节点的个数,即分类的类别个数。The output a \mathbf{a} a is a vector of length N, so for softmax regression, you could also write:

a ( x ) = [ P ( y = 1 ∣ x ; w , b ) ⋮ P ( y = N ∣ x ; w , b ) ] = 1 ∑ k = 1 N e z k [ e z 1 ⋮ e z N ] \mathbf{a}(x)=\begin{bmatrix}P(y=1|\mathbf{x};\mathbf{w},b)\\ \vdots\\ P(y=N|\mathbf{x};\mathbf{w},b)\end{bmatrix}=\frac{1}{\sum_{k=1}^N e^{z_k}}\begin{bmatrix}e^{z_1}\\ \vdots\\ e^{z_N}\end{bmatrix} a(x)= P(y=1∣x;w,b)P(y=Nx;w,b) =k=1Nezk1 ez1ezN


def my_softmax(z):
    ez = np.exp(z)              #element-wise exponenial
    sm = ez/np.sum(ez)


  • softmax分子中的指数放大了数值的微小差异
  • 输出值总和为1
  • softmax跨越所有输出。例如,更改“z0”将更改“a0”-“a3”的值。将其与ReLuSigmoid等具有单个输入和单个输出的其他激活进行比较。

2.2 损失函数

当使用Softmax函数作为输出节点的激活函数的时候,一般使用cross-entropy loss交叉熵作为损失函数。

【Machine Learning】18.Softmax函数-LMLPHP
L ( a , y ) = { − l o g ( a 1 ) , if  y = 1 . ⋮ − l o g ( a N ) , if  y = N \begin{equation} L(\mathbf{a},y)=\begin{cases} -log(a_1), & \text{if $y=1$}.\\ &\vdots\\ -log(a_N), & \text{if $y=N$} \end{cases} \tag{3} \end{equation} L(a,y)= log(a1),log(aN),if y=1.if y=N(3)
其中y是本例的目标类别, a \mathbf{a} a是softmax函数的输出。特别是, a \mathbf{a} a中的值是总和为1的概率。



1 { y = = n } = = { 1 , if  y = = n . 0 , otherwise . \mathbf{1}\{y == n\} = =\begin{cases} 1, & \text{if $y==n$}.\\ 0, & \text{otherwise}. \end{cases} 1{y==n}=={1,0,if y==n.otherwise.
Now the cost is:
J ( w , b ) = − [ ∑ i = 1 m ∑ j = 1 N 1 { y ( i ) = = j } log ⁡ e z j ( i ) ∑ k = 1 N e z k ( i ) ] \begin{align} J(\mathbf{w},b) = - \left[ \sum_{i=1}^{m} \sum_{j=1}^{N} 1\left\{y^{(i)} == j\right\} \log \frac{e^{z^{(i)}_j}}{\sum_{k=1}^N e^{z^{(i)}_k} }\right] \tag{4} \end{align} J(w,b)=[i=1mj=1N1{y(i)==j}logk=1Nezk(i)ezj(i)](4)
Where m m m is the number of examples, N N N is the number of outputs. This is the average of all the losses.



# make  dataset for example
centers = [[-5, 2], [-2, -2], [1, 2], [5, -2]]
X_train, y_train = make_blobs(n_samples=2000, centers=centers, cluster_std=1.0,random_state=30)

3.1 The Obvious organization




model = Sequential(
        Dense(25, activation = 'relu'),
        Dense(15, activation = 'relu'),
        Dense(4, activation = 'softmax')    # < softmax activation here




p_nonpreferred = model.predict(X_train)
print(p_nonpreferred [:2])
print("largest value", np.max(p_nonpreferred), "smallest value", np.min(p_nonpreferred))

3.2 preferred

3.2.1 算法简介


【Machine Learning】18.Softmax函数-LMLPHP
在preferred organization中,最终层具有线性激活函数linear activation(相当于没用激活函数)。出于历史原因,此表单中的输出称为“逻辑logits”。loss函数还有一个额外的参数:from_logits=True。这将通知损失函数,softmax操作应包含在损失计算中。这允许优化实现。

preferred_model = Sequential(
        Dense(25, activation = 'relu'),
        Dense(15, activation = 'relu'),
        Dense(4, activation = 'linear')   #<-- Note
    loss=tf.keras.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True),  #<-- Note
    optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(0.001),# Adam一种梯度下降的算法那


3.2.2 输出处理



p_preferred = preferred_model.predict(X_train)
print(f"two example output vectors:\n {p_preferred[:2]}")
print("largest value", np.max(p_preferred), "smallest value", np.min(p_preferred))

two example output vectors:
 [[-2.94 -2.33  2.86 -1.25]
 [ 1.5  -4.28 -7.08 -7.93]]
largest value 8.857447 smallest value -13.404879


sm_preferred = tf.nn.softmax(p_preferred).numpy()
print(f"two example output vectors:\n {sm_preferred[:2]}")
print("largest value", np.max(sm_preferred), "smallest value", np.min(sm_preferred))

two example output vectors:
 [[2.97e-03 5.46e-03 9.75e-01 1.62e-02]
 [9.97e-01 3.08e-03 1.86e-04 8.00e-05]]
largest value 0.99999774 smallest value 1.0387312e-07


for i in range(5):
    print( f"{p_preferred[i]}, category: {np.argmax(p_preferred[i])}")

[-2.94 -2.33  2.86 -1.25], category: 2
[ 1.5  -4.28 -7.08 -7.93], category: 0
[ 1.02 -2.93 -5.43 -6.26], category: 0
[-2.19  3.48 -1.81 -2.91], category: 1
[-2.32 -6.31  3.67 -4.91], category: 2
  • argmax函数:
    • y = f(t) 是一般常见的函数式,如果给定一个t值,f(t)函数式会赋一个值给y。
    • y = max f(t) 代表:y 是f(t)函式所有的值中最大的output。
    • y = argmax f(t) 代表:y 是f(t)函式中,会产生最大output的那个参数t。例如:
  • 假设有一个函式 f(t),t 的可能范围是 {0,1,2},f(t=0) = 10 ; f(t=1) = 20 ; f(t=2) = 7,那分别对应的y如下:
    • y = max f(t) = 20
    • y= argmax f(t) = 1

3.3 SparseCategorialCrossentropy or CategoricalCrossEntropy


  • SparseCategorialCrossentropy:期望目标是与索引对应的整数。例如,如果有10个潜在目标值,y将介于0和9之间。

  • CategorialCrossEntropy:期望示例的目标值为一个热编码,其中目标索引处的值为1,而其他N-1项为0。一个具有10个潜在目标值的示例,其中目标值为2,将为[0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,10]。

4. Softmax的数值稳定性

4.1 问题描述


softmax的输入是线性层 z j = w j ⋅ x ( i ) + b z_j = \mathbf{w_j} \cdot \mathbf{x}^{(i)}+b zj=wjx(i)+b的输出。值有可能太大,softmax算法的第一步计算 e z j e^{z_j} ezj。如果数字太大,这可能会导致溢出错误。

for z in [500,600,700,800]:
    ez = np.exp(z)
    zs = "{" + f"{z}" + "}"
    print(f"e^{zs} = {ez:0.2e}")
e^{500} = 1.40e+217
e^{600} = 3.77e+260
e^{700} = 1.01e+304
e^{800} = inf


z_tmp = np.array([[500,600,700,800]])

4.2 解决办法

Numerical stability can be improved by reducing the size of the exponent. 通过减小指数的大小可以提高数值稳定性。
e a + b = e a e b e^{a + b} = e^ae^b ea+b=eaeb
if the b b b were the opposite sign of a a a, this would reduce the size of the exponent. 如果 b b b a a a的相反符号,这将减小指数的大小。Specifically, if you multiplied the softmax by a fraction:
a j = e z j ∑ i = 1 N e z i e − b e − b a_j = \frac{e^{z_j}}{ \sum_{i=1}^{N}{e^{z_i} }} \frac{e^{-b}}{ {e^{-b}}} aj=i=1Neziezjebeb
the exponent would be reduced and the value of the softmax would not change. If b b b in e b e^b eb were the largest value of the z j z_j zj’s, m a x j ( z ) max_j(\mathbf{z}) maxj(z), the exponent would be reduced to its smallest value. 指数将减小并且softmax的值将不改变。
a j = e z j ∑ i = 1 N e z i e − m a x j ( z ) e − m a x j ( z ) = e z j − m a x j ( z ) ∑ i = 1 N e z i − m a x j ( z ) \begin{align} a_j &= \frac{e^{z_j}}{ \sum_{i=1}^{N}{e^{z_i} }} \frac{e^{-max_j(\mathbf{z})}}{ {e^{-max_j(\mathbf{z})}}} \\ &= \frac{e^{z_j-max_j(\mathbf{z})}}{ \sum_{i=1}^{N}{e^{z_i-max_j(\mathbf{z})} }} \end{align} aj=i=1Neziezjemaxj(z)emaxj(z)=i=1Nezimaxj(z)ezjmaxj(z)
习惯说 C = m a x j ( z ) C=max_j(\mathbf{z}) C=maxj(z) 因为方程对于任何常数C都是正确的。

a j = e z j − C ∑ i = 1 N e z i − C where C = m a x j ( z ) (5) a_j = \frac{e^{z_j-C}}{ \sum_{i=1}^{N}{e^{z_i-C} }} \quad\quad\text{where}\quad C=max_j(\mathbf{z})\tag{5} aj=i=1NeziCezjCwhereC=maxj(z)(5)

If we look at our troublesome example where z \mathbf{z} z contains 500,600,700,800, C = m a x j ( z ) = 800 C=max_j(\mathbf{z})=800 C=maxj(z)=800

a ( x ) = 1 e 500 − 800 + e 650 + 800 + e 700 − 800 + e 2009 − 80 [ e 50 − 300 e 200 − 300 e 100 − 80 e 200 − 80 e 200 − 80 ] = [ 5.15 e − 131 1.35 e − 87 3.75 e − 44 1.0 ] \mathbf{a}(x)=\dfrac{1}{e^{500-800}+e^{650+800}+e^{700-800}+e^{2009-80}}\begin{bmatrix}e^{50-300}\\ e^{200-300}\\ e^{100-80}\\ e^{200-80}\\ e^{200-80}\end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix}5.15e-131\\ 1.35e-87\\ 3.75e-44\\ 1.0\end{bmatrix} a(x)=e500800+e650+800+e700800+e2009801 e50300e200300e10080e20080e20080 = 5.15e1311.35e873.75e441.0


def my_softmax_ns(z):
    """numerically stablility improved"""
    bigz = np.max(z)
    ez = np.exp(z-bigz)              # minimize exponent
    sm = ez/np.sum(ez)


z_tmp = np.array([500.,600,700,800])
print(tf.nn.softmax(z_tmp).numpy(), "\n", my_softmax_ns(z_tmp))

[5.15e-131 1.38e-087 3.72e-044 1.00e+000] 
 [5.15e-131 1.38e-087 3.72e-044 1.00e+000]

4.3 交叉熵损失函数的稳定性

The loss function associated with Softmax, the cross-entropy loss, is repeated here:
L ( a , y ) = { − l o g ( a 1 ) , if  y = 1 . ⋮ − l o g ( a N ) , if  y = N \begin{equation} L(\mathbf{a},y)=\begin{cases} -log(a_1), & \text{if $y=1$}.\\ &\vdots\\ -log(a_N), & \text{if $y=N$} \end{cases} \end{equation} L(a,y)= log(a1),log(aN),if y=1.if y=N

Where y is the target category for this example and a \mathbf{a} a is the output of a softmax function. In particular, the values in a \mathbf{a} a are probabilities that sum to one.
Let’s consider a case where the target is two ( y = 2 y=2 y=2) and just look at the loss for that case. This will result in the loss being:
其中y是本例的目标类别, { a } \mathbf{a} a是softmax函数的输出。特别是, { a } \mathbf{a} a中的值是总和为1的概率。
让我们考虑一个目标为2( y = 2 y=2 y2)的情况,然后看看该情况下的损失。这将导致以下损失:
L ( a ) = − l o g ( a 2 ) L(\mathbf{a})= -log(a_2) L(a)=log(a2)

Recall that a 2 a_2 a2 is the output of the softmax function described above, so this can be written: a 2 a_2 a2是上面描述的softmax函数的输出,因此可以这样写
L ( z ) = − l o g ( e z 2 ∑ i = 1 N e z i ) (6) L(\mathbf{z})= -log\left(\frac{e^{z_2}}{ \sum_{i=1}^{N}{e^{z_i} }}\right) \tag{6} L(z)=log(i=1Neziez2)(6)
This can be optimized. However, to make those optimizations, the softmax and the loss must be calculated together as shown in the ‘preferred’ Tensorflow implementation you saw above.这是可以优化的。然而,要进行这些优化,softmax和损失必须一起计算,如上面看到的“preferred”方法

Starting from (6) above, the loss for the case of y=2:
l o g ( a b ) = l o g ( a ) − l o g ( b ) log(\frac{a}{b}) = log(a) - log(b) log(ba)=log(a)log(b), so (6) can be rewritten:
L ( z ) = − [ l o g ( e z 2 ) − l o g ∑ i = 1 N e z i ] (7) L(\mathbf{z})= -\left[log(e^{z_2}) - log \sum_{i=1}^{N}{e^{z_i} }\right] \tag{7} L(z)=[log(ez2)logi=1Nezi](7)
The first term can be simplified to just z 2 z_2 z2:
L ( z ) = − [ z 2 − l o g ( ∑ i = 1 N e z i ) ] = l o g ∑ i = 1 N e z i ⏟ logsumexp() − z 2 (8) L(\mathbf{z})= -\left[z_2 - log( \sum_{i=1}^{N}{e^{z_i} })\right] = \underbrace{log \sum_{i=1}^{N}{e^{z_i} }}_\text{logsumexp()} -z_2 \tag{8} L(z)=[z2log(i=1Nezi)]=logsumexp() logi=1Neziz2(8)
It turns out that the l o g ∑ i = 1 N e z i log \sum_{i=1}^{N}{e^{z_i} } logi=1Nezi term in the above equation is so often used, many libraries have an implementation. In Tensorflow this is tf.math.reduce_logsumexp(). An issue with this sum is that the exponent in the sum could overflow if z i z_i zi is large. To fix this, we might like to subtract e m a x j ( z ) e^{max_j(\mathbf{z})} emaxj(z) as we did above, but this will require a bit of work:
事实证明,上述等式中的 l o g ∑ i = 1 N e z i log\sum_{i=1}^{N}{e^{z_i}} logi=1Nezi项经常使用,许多库都有实现。在Tensorflow中,这是tf.math.reduce_logsumexp()。此总和的一个问题是,如果 z i z_i zi较大,则总和中的指数可能溢出。为了解决这个问题,我们可能需要像上面那样减去 e m a x j ( z ) e^{max_j(\mathbf{z})} emaxj(z),但这需要一些工作:
l o g ∑ i = 1 N e z i = l o g ∑ i = 1 N e ( z i − m a x j ( z ) + m a x j ( z ) ) = l o g ∑ i = 1 N e ( z i − m a x j ( z ) ) e m a x j ( z ) = l o g ( e m a x j ( z ) ) + l o g ∑ i = 1 N e ( z i − m a x j ( z ) ) = m a x j ( z ) + l o g ∑ i = 1 N e ( z i − m a x j ( z ) ) \begin{align} log \sum_{i=1}^{N}{e^{z_i} } &= log \sum_{i=1}^{N}{e^{(z_i - max_j(\mathbf{z}) + max_j(\mathbf{z}))}} \tag{9}\\ &= log \sum_{i=1}^{N}{e^{(z_i - max_j(\mathbf{z}))} e^{max_j(\mathbf{z})}} \\ &= log(e^{max_j(\mathbf{z})}) + log \sum_{i=1}^{N}{e^{(z_i - max_j(\mathbf{z}))}} \\ &= max_j(\mathbf{z}) + log \sum_{i=1}^{N}{e^{(z_i - max_j(\mathbf{z}))}} \end{align} logi=1Nezi=logi=1Ne(zimaxj(z)+maxj(z))=logi=1Ne(zimaxj(z))emaxj(z)=log(emaxj(z))+logi=1Ne(zimaxj(z))=maxj(z)+logi=1Ne(zimaxj(z))(9)
Now, the exponential is less likely to overflow. It is customary to say C = m a x j ( z ) C=max_j(\mathbf{z}) C=maxj(z) since the equation would be correct with any constant C. We can now write the loss equation:现在,指数不太可能溢出。习惯上说 C = m a x j ( z ) C=max_j(\mathbf{z}) C=maxj(z),因为方程对于任何常数C都是正确的

L ( z ) = C + l o g ( ∑ i = 1 N e z i − C ) − z 2        where  C = m a x j ( z ) (10) L(\mathbf{z})= C+ log( \sum_{i=1}^{N}{e^{z_i-C} }) -z_2 \;\;\;\text{where } C=max_j(\mathbf{z}) \tag{10} L(z)=C+log(i=1NeziC)z2where C=maxj(z)(10)
A computationally simpler, more stable version of the loss. The above is for an example where the target, y=2 but generalizes to any target.


【Machine Learning】18.Softmax函数-LMLPHP

  1. 注意第二种方法最后输出使用的是linear激活函数(相当于没有)

【Machine Learning】18.Softmax函数-LMLPHP

  1. 使用adam优化器进行

【Machine Learning】18.Softmax函数-LMLPHP

  1. 卷积神经网络一个节点会重复使用多个输入值
    【Machine Learning】18.Softmax函数-LMLPHP
10-26 11:47