


I have a linq query that takes a couple of seconds(~2.6s) to run. But i want to reduce that to as little as possible.


I only require reading so I've included the .AsNoTracking() behavior.


I have also tested the query without include statements, but my operations after the get request slowed it down further so i left the includes to optimize my other operations.



var obj = _context.MyContextModel.AsNoTracking()
            .Where(x => x.CategoryList.Model.Id == 1)
            .Where(x => x.CategoryList.Model.TypeId == 1)
            .Where(x => x.Year.Select(y=>y.Datetime).Any(item => item.Year == 2010))
            .Include(x => x.LinkedMarket).AsNoTracking()
            .Include(x => x.Year).AsNoTracking()
            .Include(x => x.CategoryList).AsNoTracking()
            .Include(x => x.CategoryList.Model).AsNoTracking();

return obj.AsParallel().ToList();

这操作通常会返回约1000-2000 MyContextModel记录,不包括包括

This operation usually returns about 1000-2000 MyContextModel records, not including the "includes"


How can i optimize this further?Should i load objects to a container class? or another solution?


_context.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
_context.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
var obj = _context.MyContextModel.AsNoTracking()
                .Where(x => x.CategoryList.Model.Id == 1)
                .Where(x => x.CategoryList.Model.TypeId == 1)
                .Where(x => x.LinkedMarket.FirstOrDefault(mar=>mar.MarketID == marketId) != null)
                .Include(x => x.Year).AsNoTracking()
                .Include(x => x.CategoryList).AsNoTracking()
                .Include(x => x.CategoryList.Model).AsNoTracking();

return obj.AsParallel().ToList();


Basically i've removed where clause which filter the year(I do that later, therefor the include of the year)I've added a Where clause that specify market from the getgo.


I've removed the Include which contained market.


One big performance thief was the Linked market(i don't know exactly why, something EF didn't like.)


This reduced the query to about a average on 0,4 seconds.And the whole operation set from 4+ seconds to a stunning 0,7 seconds.



Each include you do will end up with a join being executed in the db.Suppose your left table is very big 1024 bytes in record size and that you have many details, say 1000 and and that the detail record size is only 100.This will result in the information for the left table to be repeated 1000 times, this information is going to be put on the wire by the db and EF has to filter out the duplicated to create your left instance.


It can be better to not use include and do an explicit load. Basically executing 2 queries on the same context.

下面我利用这个原理有一个例子。它可以比依赖于包括更快的高达10倍。 (一个数据库只能处理limitited一些有效的BTW连接)

I have an example using this principle below. It can be up to 10 times faster than relying on include. (A db can handle only a limitited number of joins efficiently btw)

var adressen = adresRepository
                .Query(r => r.RelatieId == relatieId)
                .Include(i => i.AdresType)

var adresids = (from a in adressen select a.AdresId).ToList();
            IRepositoryAsync<Comm> commRepository = unitOfWork.RepositoryAsync<Comm>();

            var comms = commRepository
                .Query(c => adresids.Contains(c.AdresId))
                .Include(i => i.CommType)


For the commType and adresType I use include because there is a 1 to 1 relationship, I am avoiding too many joins and thus my multiple queries will be faster than a single one using include. I am not including the Comms in the first query to try and avoid the second query, the point is that 2 queries are faster in this case than a single one.


Bottom line is there is more to consider than just avoiding lazy load, there is also some consideration needed about which includes are needed and which are not. You might need that information, and an include is quick and easy, but an extra query in the same context can be faster.


10-28 04:30