

public interface ISecurities< T> :IPolicyProvider其中T:EntityObject
[OperationContract(Name =GetAllSecurities)]
IEnumerable< T> GetSecurities();

IEnumerable< T> GetSecurities< T1>(List< T1> lstIdentifiers)其中T1:FI_CusipMaster;

T GetSecurity< T1>(T1 lstIdentifiers)其中T1:FI_CusipMaster;

// Host
/// CADIS合约
ServiceHost dmHost = new System.ServiceModel.ServiceHost(typeof(GlobalInvestors.FIPA.BLL.UDI.CADISSecurities ));

Uri baseAddress = dmHost.BaseAddresses [0];
Uri policyAddress = new Uri(baseAddress.AbsoluteUri.Replace(baseAddress.AbsolutePath,));

new System.ServiceModel.WebHttpBinding(),
policyAddress).Behaviors.Add (new System.ServiceModel.Description.WebHttpBehavior());


< service behaviorConfiguration =UDIBehaviourname =GlobalInvestors.FIPA.BLL.UDI.CADISSecurities>
< endpoint binding =basicHttpBindingcontract =GlobalInvestors.FIPA.BLL.UDI.ICADISSecurities/>
< baseAddresses>
< add baseAddress =http:// localhost:1667 / CADIS/>
< / baseAddresses>
< / host>
< / service>
< behavior name =UDIBehaviour>
< serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled =true/>
< serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults =true/>
< /行为>

public interface ICADISSecurities:ISecurities< SecurityMasterAdapter>


我得到InvalidDataContractException Type系统.Collections.Generic.List`1 [T1]'不能作为模式类型导出,因为它是一个开放的泛型类型。如果泛型类型的所有泛型类型都是实际类型,则只能导出泛型类型。如果我主持这个合同。





public interface ISecurities<T> : IPolicyProvider where T: EntityObject 
    IEnumerable<T> GetSecurities();

  IEnumerable<T> GetSecurities<T1>(List<T1> lstIdentifiers) where T1 : FI_CusipMaster;

  T GetSecurity<T1>(T1 lstIdentifiers) where T1 : FI_CusipMaster;

        ///CADIS Contract
        ServiceHost dmHost = new System.ServiceModel.ServiceHost(typeof(GlobalInvestors.FIPA.BLL.UDI.CADISSecurities));

        Uri baseAddress = dmHost.BaseAddresses[0];
        Uri policyAddress = new Uri(baseAddress.AbsoluteUri.Replace(baseAddress.AbsolutePath, ""));

            new System.ServiceModel.WebHttpBinding(),
            policyAddress).Behaviors.Add(new System.ServiceModel.Description.WebHttpBehavior());


  <service behaviorConfiguration="UDIBehaviour" name="GlobalInvestors.FIPA.BLL.UDI.CADISSecurities">
    <endpoint binding="basicHttpBinding" contract="GlobalInvestors.FIPA.BLL.UDI.ICADISSecurities" />
    <endpoint address="mex" binding="mexHttpBinding" contract="IMetadataExchange" />
        <add baseAddress="http://localhost:1667/CADIS" />
  <behavior name="UDIBehaviour">
      <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" />
      <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="true" />

public interface ICADISSecurities :ISecurities<SecurityMasterAdapter>


I get "InvalidDataContractException Type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T1]' cannot be exported as a schema type because it is an open generic type. You can only export a generic type if all its generic parameter types are actual types." if I host this contract.

I have read that it is good to avoid generics in ServiceContract. but is it possible to use T?


Your problem in this case is not T in ServiceContract but T1 used as DataContract. You can use T in service contract if you replace T with specific type during service contract implementation. For data contracts (operation parameters and return types) you can't use T at all. You always have to specify concrete type. Your service contract can be rewritten with usage of ServiceKnownTypeAttribute so that T1 is replaced with FI_CusipMaster and ServiceKnownType specifies all possible classes derived from FI_CusipMaster.

Edit: Another way is not to use ServiceKnownType and use KnownTypeAttribute which has to be defined on FI_CusipMaster type.

Best regards, Ladislav


11-01 10:47