Hi *********,

It’s been almost one month since your first purchase of Alibaba Cloud ECS, and we’d like to know your feedback and experience with it.

To show our gratitude, customers who provide valid feedback can save up to $100 on your next order.

Take the Survey and Save Up to $100

We are constantly trying to improve our services, and your feedback helps us to serve customers like you better.

If you face any unpleasant experience during your journey on Alibaba Cloud, do not hesitate to reach out to us at @list.alibaba-inc.com”>[email protected]

Best regards,

Customer Experience and Care Team
重庆网友:都元老了 快别水了
浙江网友:up to 100, 那。多少都可以, 完全可以填完问卷给你个0.5的优惠

02-04 15:50