
23 september 2019, 22:57 (UTC)
В соответствии с пунктами 2.3. и 2.4. Приложения 1 к Договору оферты, Ваш сервер был заблокирован по подозрению в неправомерных действиях.
Для согласования работы сервера и его разблокировк

吉林网友:2.3. The following is prohibited:
2.3.1. Storage of websites designed to commit fraudulent actions, including but not limited to:
Password stealing, phishing.
Deceit, donation scam, etc.
2.3.2. Sending or publishing spam or messages that may be misinterpreted as spam.
2.3.3. Violation of generally accepted rules of network etiquette, including, but not limited to:
Aggressive index spam (polluting search engines results with irrelevant information useless to humans).
Aggressive web scraping (more than 5 GB of incoming traffic per day for external data parsing).
2.3.4. Storage of projects and services related to:
Generating junk content to deceive search engines or any other systems.
Generating any kind of junk traffic (to equalize traffic ratios for another hosting provider, cheat any rating systems, deceive search engines or any other systems, etc.).
2.3.5. Storing public proxy or 扶墙 servers, as well as systems for performance testing of third party systems. Or storing private servers using more than 10 GB of total traffic per day.
2.3.6. Storing torrent clients or any other file-sharing and P2P-systems.
2.3.7. Storing systems or services related to cryptocurrency mining.
2.3.8. Storing systems or services related to disruption of the internal network or third-party networks operations.
2.4. It is prohibited to attempt to gain illegal access to classified information or violate safety standards, including but not limited to:
2.4.1. Hacking websites, obtaining private data, both from the Contractor’s resources and external websites and resources.
2.4.2. Password cracking, network attacks, flood (equipment or information channels/limits overload).
2.4.3. Operating hacked websites or resources that leads to a violation of the network etiquette and other network rules even despite the Customer’s will. Hacked resources will be shut down without prior notification, with activation possible only once proper measures are taken to prevent further hacking.
不回工单就争议, 不回工单估计是对国人有意见了, 毕竟推出30特价机本来想的是在毛子国引起轰动的,结果资源全被MJJ占领了,

当然不排除你小鸡被人攻陷后做了不好的事情了, 但是不回工单, 不拿出证据这个绝对是不应该的. 虽然VirMach家经常停鸡但是一般都会给出证据的,比如被攻击了多少流量, 发了垃圾邮件啥的,有时还会给你截图.
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甘肃网友:好像是  29号才到续费日期  而且官网现在504 网关ping不通

01-13 19:52