纸上得来终觉浅 绝知此事要躬行

纸上得来终觉浅 绝知此事要躬行


对称加密: 通信双方共享同一个密钥。发送方用它来加密,接收方用它来解密。
非对称加密: 有公钥和私钥。


加密 : 公钥加密,私钥解密 (公钥是lock,私钥是key)
数字签名证书: 私钥加密(生成签名),公钥解密(验证签名)


对称加密分为两大类: 序列型 stream cipher 和 分组型 block cipher (更流行).
stream cipher: RC4
RC4: secret key 通过RC4 会生成一个无限长的序列,Plain Text跟RC4进行操作(比如说异或)会生成加密文本。不安全。
block cipher: DES, 3DES, AES, BLOWFISH, RC5, RC6.
非对称加密: RSA



  1. 完整性检测(下载文件,解压文件)
    • 注意:奇偶校验和CRC校验都没有抗数据篡改的能力。Hash函数也不可以,但加上key就可以(见数字签名)。
  2. 登录验证,校对密码(加上salt)
  3. 数字签名(加上key)
  4. 区块链


  1. MD5: 128 bits
  2. SHA-1: 160 bits
  3. SHA-2
    • SHA-224 224 bits
    • SHA-256 256 bits
    • SHA-384 384 bits
    • SHA-512 512 bits
  4. Whirlpool
  5. SHA-3
  6. SM3

MAC: Message Authentication Code 用来确保消息完整性
HMAC: Hash-based MAC

TLS 1.3之前是MAC, then encrypt
1. plaintext先通过Hash function运算,结果再加上key,生成MAC
2. plaintext再加上MAC进行Encryption,生成Ciphertext
TLS 1.3之后通信双方可以自己定义是MAC then encypt,还是encrypt then MAC
SHA256 + RSA加密,最常见。


查看证书: 浏览器,命令行
openssl x509 -text -noout -in amazon.cer

Confidentiality: 保密 (可以通过加密,权限管理和敏感信息不被暴露来实现)
Integrity: 数据内容完整,没有被篡改 (可以通过数字签名校验来实现)
Availability: 不让人家无限制调用你的服务

资讯泄露(Information disclosure),可能是私隐泄露或是资料外泄
阻断服务攻击(Denial of service)
特权提升(Elevation of privilege):例如黑客把自己的权限提高


  1. 白名单和黑名单:白名单更严格
  2. 最小权限原则: 人家需要什么权限就给他什么权限,不要图省事给Admin原则
  3. 纵深防御:各个层面都需要考虑安全 (网络层,数据库层,操作系统层)
  4. 数据和代码分离原则: (注入攻击,缓存区溢出) 不要把用户输入作为命令的一部分。
  5. 不可预测性。在设计代码的时候,ID最好是随机变化。

DoS: 拒绝服务 (例如大量的攻击,持续发送SYN包)
1. 负载均衡(至少不会攻击同一台服务器。)
2. 限流
3. 缓存(在缓存区就把请求给处理了)
DDoS: Distributed DoS (攻击来自不同IP)

随机数: 用作蜜钥
Linux里面的/dev/random 和 /dev/urandom比较安全一些。


  1. 文件上传攻击: 黑客把一个包含木马程序的文件直接上传。可以通过限制文件后缀类型(比用MIME格式限制好)和文件大小来防止。
  2. 文件包含漏洞: 文件包含其他文件,
    不推荐include *,不要用通配符。这样如果有文件上传漏洞,恶意代码就会被包含进去。

SSL/TLS 学习小结
SSL/TLS 的目的有3个:

  1. Confidentiality - Data is only accessible by Client and Server. 通过加密encription来实现
  2. Integrity - Data is not modified between Client and Server. 通过Hashing来实现
  3. Authentication - Client/Server are indeed who they say they are. 通过PKI(public key infrastructure)来实现

// Replay: 在Client和Server之间的第三者把截取的消息发送多次。
1) Provided with build-in sequence numbers.
2) Built in to Integrity + Authentication mechanism.

// Repudiation: dishonest sender.
1) Sender cannot later deny sending a message
2) Byproduct of Integrity + Authentication
If the message is protected by Integrity and Authentication, then we know no one is modifying this message.

SSL/TLS ecosystem involves three key players:

  1. Client:
    • Entity initiating the TLS handshake
    • Web Browser
      • Phone, Apps, Smart Toaster, Internet of Things
      • Optionally authenticated (rare)
  2. Server:
    • Entity receiving the TLS handshake
    • Web Server
      • Apache, IIS, NginX, etc…
      • Load Balancer or SSL Accelerator
    • Always authenticatied
  3. Certification Authority (CA)
    • Governing Entity that issues Certificates
    • Trusted by Client and Server
    • Provides Trust Anchor
      • If we trust the CA, we trust what the CA trusts
    • Five organizations secure 98% of the Internet (IdenTrust, DigiCert, Sectigo, GoDaddy, GlobalSign)

Hashing 算法四原则:

  1. Infeasible to produce a given digest
  2. Impossible to extract original message
  3. Slight changes produce drastic differences
  4. Resulting digest is fixed width (length)

Sender光Hashing Message还不能保证Message不会被中间者篡改,因为中间者可以篡改Message并加上自己的Hashing值。
如果Sender Hashing (Secret Key+Message),可以保证Message不会被中间者篡改,因为中间者得不到Secret Key。
如果Receiver 收到后验证Hash值正确,说明:

  1. 消息没有被篡改 //Integrity
  2. Sender有着同一个Secret Key //Authentication

MAC: Message Authentication Code

  • Concept combining Message + Secret Key when calculating digest
  • Provides Integrity and Authentication for Bulk data transfer
    HMAC: Hash Based Message Authentication Code (MAC的工业标准实现)
  • RFC 2104
  • 描述如何Combine Message 和 Key。Sender 和 Receiver都必须遵循同样的Combination,不然Hashing值还是不match。

Data Integrity:

  • Hashing Algorithm
    • INPUT: Message
    • OUTPUT: Digest
    • Example: MD5, SHA1, etc…
  • MAC - Message Authentication Code
    • INPUT: Message + Secret Key
    • OUTPUT: Digest
    • Example: HMAC (Hash Based Message Authentication Code)


  1. 简单的加密Message is not scalable。因为加密方法一样,如果接收到的加密结果一样,接收方1可以知道接收方2的Message。
  2. Key Based Encryption 针对每个接收方生成一个不同的Secret Key, allows encryption to scale to the whole Internet.
    • Combines industry vetted algorithm with a Secret Key
      • Algorithm is created by experts
      • Secret Keys can be randomly generated
  3. Two types of Key Based Encryption
    • Symmetric Encryption - Ideal for Bulk Data

      • Encrypt and Decrypt using the same keys
      • Strength: Faster - Lower CPU Cost
      • Strength: Cipher text is the same size as Plain Text
      • Weakness: Secret key must be shared - Less Secure
      • Examples:
        • DES 56 bit key
        • RC4 128 bit key
        • 3DES 168 bit key
        • AES 128, 192, or 256 bit keys
        • ChaCha20 128 or 256 bit keys
    • Asymmetric Encryption - Restricted to Limited Data

      • Encrypt and Decrypt using different keys
      • Two different keys are mathematically related
      • What one key Encrypts, only the other can Decrypts
        – One key will be made Public
        – Other key will be kept Private
      • Weakness: Slower - Requires much larger key sizes
      • Weakness: Cipher text expansion
      • Strength: Private Key is never shared - More Secure
      • Examples:
        • DSA
        • RSA - Recommended Key Size 2048 bits
        • Diffie-Hellman
        • ECDSA
        • ECDH
09-29 12:07