
1. What is JS

2. What can we do with JS

3. The lanuage and features

4. Interpreting JS

二、 Validation

         function validate(){
             if (document.forms[0].elements[0].value==“”) {
                 alert(“please enter your email”);
                 return false;
             return true;
        <!--onSubmit="return validate()":在提交表单时调用函数"validate()"进行验证-->
     <FORM method=“get” action=“someURL” onSubmit=“return validate()”>
         <input type=text name=“email”>enter your email<br>
         <input type=submit value=“send”>

         var greeting=“Hello”;

        <!-- document.write()将带有 magenta 颜色的 "Hello" 和 "world!" 输出到页面中-->
        <!--向页面写入一个 <font> 标签,并设置字体颜色为 magenta-->
         document.write(“<FONT COLOR=‘magenta’>”);
        <!--输出换行符 <br> 和文字 "world!"。通过 </FONT> 关闭之前打开的 <font> 标签-->

<!--type="text/javascript"是 <script> 属性之一,指定嵌入的脚本语言类型,此处为 JavaScript-->
     <SCRIPT type="text/javascript">
         function updateOrder() {
             const cakePrice = 1;
             var noCakes = document.getElementById("cake").value;
             document.getElementById("total").value = "£" + cakePrice*noCakes;
         function placeOrder(form){ form.submit(); }

     <FORM method="get" action="someURL">
         <H3>Cakes Cost £1 each</H3>
         <input type=text name="cakeNo" id="cake"
                     onchange="updateOrder()">enter no. cakes<br>
         <input type=text name="total" id="total">Total Price<br>
         <input type=button value="send" onClick="placeOrder(this.form)">

三、 Dynamic Typing

1. Type is defined by literal value you assign to it

【高级程序设计】Week2-4&amp;Week3-1 JavaScript-LMLPHP

2. Implicit conversion between types【高级程序设计】Week2-4&amp;Week3-1 JavaScript-LMLPHP

3. Quotes within strings&writeln

4. Comparison Operators

5. Explicit Conversion Functions

        <SCRIPT type="text/javascript">
         function updateOrder() {
             const cakePrice = 1;
             const bunPrice = 0.5;
             var noCakes = document.getElementById("cake").value;
             var noBuns = document.getElementById("bun").value;
             document.getElementById("count").value = parseInt(noCakes, 10)+parseInt(noBuns, 10);
             document.getElementById("total").value = "£" + (cakePrice*noCakes + 
         function placeOrder(form) { form.submit(); }
         <FORM method="get" action="someURL">
             <H3>Cakes Cost £1 each; Buns 50p each</H3>
             <input type=text name="cakeNo" id="cake" onchange="updateOrder()">enter no. cakes<br>
             <input type=text name="bunNo" id="bun" onchange="updateOrder()">enter no. buns<br>
             <input type=text name="count" id="count">number of units<br>
             <input type=text name="total" id="total">Total Price<br>
             <input type=button value="send" onClick="placeOrder(this.form)">


1. Event-Diven Programming

2. Feedback (Forms and JavaScript, Event Handling)

3. Dynamic Writing

    <script type=“text/javascript”>
        function validate() {
            if (document.forms[0].usrname.value==“”) {
                alert(“please enter name”);
                document.forms[0].usrname.value=“please enter name”;
                document.getElementById(“a”).innerHTML=“please enter name above”;
        <font face=“arial”>
        <h1>Please enter details</h1>
        Name   <input type=“text” name=“usrname”> <br>
        <font color=“red”> <p id="a"> </p></font>
        <font face=“arial”>
        Email   <input type=“text” name=“email”> <br><br>
        <input type=“button” value=“Send” onclick=“validate()”>

五、 Arrays and Objects

1. Strings & Intervals

2. JavaScript and Functions

3. Arrays and Objects

4. Scope and local functions

html><head><title>Functions </title>
        y = 6;
        function square(x) {
                var y = x*x; // if didn’t include var, then y is the global y
                return y;
        document.write(“The square of ” + y + “ is ”);//36
        document.write(“<P>y is ” + y);//6


//A Cookie to remember the number of visits
        <title>How many times have you been here before?</title>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            expireDate = new Date();
            hitCt = parseInt(cookieVal("pageHit"));
            document.cookie= "pageHit=" + hitCt + ";expires=" + expireDate.toGMTString();
            function cookieVal(cookieName) {
                thisCookie = document.cookie.split("; ");
                for (i=0; i<thisCookie.length; i++) {
                    if (cookieName == thisCookie[i].split("=")[0])
                    return thisCookie[i].split("=")[1];
                return 0;
    <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
    <script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript">
        document.write("You have visited this page " + hitCt + " times.");


1. A Cautionary Tale: SQL Statements

2. Further Examples of Event Handling

//First set up array containing help text 
    var helpArray = [“Enter your name in this input box.”,“Enter your email address in this input box, \in the format user@domain.”,“Check this box if you liked our site.”,“In this box, enter any comments you would \like us to read.”,“This button submits the form to the \server-side script”,“This button clears the form”,“This TEXTAREA provides context-sensitive help. \Click on any input field or use the TAB key to \get more information about the input field.”];

    function helpText(messageNum) {
        document.myForm.helpBox.value = helpArray[messageNum];
    function formSubmit() {
        window.event.returnValue = false;
        if (confirm(“Are you sure you want to submit?”))
            window.event.returnValue = true;
            // so in this case it now performs the action
    function formReset() {
        window.event.returnValue = false;
        if (confirm(“Are you sure you want to reset?”))
            window.event.returnValue = true;
    <FORM NAME = “myForm” ONSUBMIT = “formSubmit()”
    ACTION=http://localhost/cgi-bin/mycgi ONRESET = “return formReset()”>
    Name: <INPUT TYPE = “text” NAME = “name” ONFOCUS = “helpText(0)” ONBLUR = “helpText(6)”><BR>
    Email: <INPUT TYPE = “text” NAME = “email” ONFOCUS = “helpText(1)” ONBLUR = “helpText(6)”><BR>
    Click here if you like this site
    <INPUT TYPE = “checkbox” NAME = “like” ONFOCUS = “helpText(2)” ONBLUR = “helpText(6)”><BR>

    Any comments?<BR>
    <TEXTAREA NAME = “comments” ROWS = 5 COLS = 45 ONFOCUS = “helpText(3)” ONBLUR = “helpText(6)”></TEXTAREA><BR>
    <INPUT TYPE = “submit” VALUE = “Submit” ONFOCUS = “helpText(4)” ONBLUR = “helpText(6)”>
    <INPUT TYPE = “reset” VALUE = “Reset” ONFOCUS = “helpText(5)” ONBLUR = “helpText(6)”>
    <TEXTAREA NAME = “helpBox” STYLE = “position: absolute; right:0; top: 0” ROWS = 4 COLS = 45>
    This TEXTAREA provides context-sensitive help. Click on any input field or use the TAB key to get more information about the input field.</TEXTAREA>
//Element objects & ONLOAD
    <TITLE>Object Model</TITLE>
        function start() {
            pText.innerText = “Thanks for coming.”;
<BODY ONLOAD = “start()”>
    <P ID = “pText”>Welcome to our Web page!</P>//Changes when alert box is clicked.
    //pText.innerText or document.getElementById(“pText”).innerHTML

//More inner text – from Microsoft (Altering Text)
<P ID=oPara>Here's the text that will change.</P>
<BUTTON onclick=“oPara.innerText=‘WOW! It changed!’”>Change text</BUTTON>
<BUTTON onclick=“oPara.innerText=‘And back again’”>Reset</BUTTON>
11-21 00:46