mysql--mysql基本操作命令 日期式化 用法: select DATE_FORMAT(runTime,'%Y-%c-%d') from hdfsPicLog t where path like '%liveEpg/3/%' and count 30 and DATE_FORMAT(runTime,'%Y-%c-%d') = '2013-10-30' ; 主键 修改为主键自增:alter table hdfsPicLog m mysql--mysql基本操作命令日期格式化 用法: select DATE_FORMAT(runTime,'%Y-%c-%d') from hdfsPicLog t where path like '%liveEpg/3/%' and count 主键 修改为主键自增:alter table hdfsPicLog modify column hdfsId int unsigned not null auto_increment, add primary key(hdfsId);增加一个新列 alter table t2 add d timestamp; alter table hdfsPicLog add channelId VARCHAR(255); alter table infos add ex tinyint not null default '0';删除列 alter table t2 drop column c;重命名列 alter table t1 change a b integer;改变列的类型 alter table t1 change b b bigint not null; alter table infos change list list tinyint not null default '0';重命名表 alter table t1 rename t2;加索引 mysql> alter table tablename change depno depno int(5) not null; mysql> alter table tablename add index 索引名 (字段名1[,字段名2 …]); mysql> alter table tablename add index emp_name (name);加主关键字的索引mysql> alter table tablename add primary key(id);加唯一限制条件的索引 mysql> alter table tablename add unique emp_name2(cardnumber);删除某个索引 mysql>alter table tablename drop index emp_name;修改表:增加字段: mysql> ALTER TABLE table_name ADD field_name field_type;修改原字段名称及类型: mysql> ALTER TABLE table_name CHANGE old_field_name new_field_name field_type;删除字段: mysql> ALTER TABLE table_name DROP field_name; 移动表中列的顺序: 向前:alter table hdfsPicLog modify hdfsId int first; 向后:alter table user_info modify user_name varchar(10) after user_id;
08-29 07:34